Chapter 2: The return

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Hello lovelies! So, the second chapter is finally up! Hope you like it! 


It was getting dark. Me and Gabriel had spent the entire two days in the cave, just forgetting about the rest of the world and all of its pains. But it was time for us to return to the others. Two days had gone since the battle, and the others were probably starting to wonder where we were. 

Two days. Just two days ago, my father died. The father that I had only known for a week weeks was dead. And it was all Annalise's fault. She shot him, shot him for nothing. What good did it make? Nothing. In fact, it costed a lot of people their lives. If everything had gone as planned, if Marcus had stopped time, granting the Alliance a big advantage, we would have won and not by far as many would have died. And it's all Annalise's fault. If I ever met her again, I was definitely going to let her know how much damage she had caused. I might even kill her, but I don't think Gabriel would allow me to do that. He would most likely hold me back, like he always does, and talk some sense into me, like he always does. He had a habit of doing so. And I can't say I didn't love him for it. 

"Maybe we should go back to the others. Make sure they're okay."

Gabriel nodded slowly. "Yeah.. You're probably right. Celia must be worried sick." A low chuckle left his lips and I couldn't help but roll my eyes in amusement. 

He was probably right though. Celia had a strange obsession with knowing where I was, what I was doing, at all times. I guess it was a habit she had picked up from the old days. From the days when she used to keep me in a cage and always knew where I was.

"Although.. I would rather just stay here, even if just for a day more.." A small smirk curved the edges of my lips as leaned forward, placing my face in the crook of his neck before pressing a soft kiss to the skin there. A low moan left his lips, and god he was sexy when he did that. I continued pressing kisses down his neck, across his shoulder, sucking lightly on the skin. 

"Nathan.." Gabriel groaned. He had tilted his head further to the side to give my lips more access and was now grabbing a hold of my tresses. "If you're going to continue doing this, we're never going to get back to the others.." 

"So what? Let them wait." With a light push, I lowered his body to the ground, allowing me to continue trailing kisses down across his still bare chest. He hadn't yet put on a shirt from last night's activities, and I can't say that I was complaining. 

Although, my kissing was abruptly stopped as Gabriel put a hand upon my shoulder to get me up into a sitting position. He soon followed after, sitting up from the cave floor. "We can't just "let them wait", even if I would love staying here with you, doing.. all kinds of stuff. We need to get going."

A low grumble left my lips, but I could see his point. "Fine.. You should probably put on a shirt before we go, though. We wouldn't want to shock the others with your sexiness."

A low laughter left his lips as he shook his head in amusement. "I will make sure to do so."

After about 30 minutes, we were ready to leave and started heading for where the official meeting point was supposed to be. Everyone else had probably gone there directly after the fight, but since me and Gabriel had our own meeting place, we were most likely going to be the last ones arriving. It took us a few hours to reach the official meeting point. The walk was pleasant. But then again, when I was alone with Gabriel, everything felt perfect. And that's just what it was. Perfect. We talked about all the things we'd do when we would finally be alone, away from all this. It almost sounded too good to be true, and honestly, it probably was.

The site was rather quite as we arrived. They had set what most likely was a temporary camp before they moved to a safer place. This was probably too close to the fighting site for Greatorex's liking. They had set up tents and a bigger fire, where some people stood talking. If I wasn't completely imagining things, it looked as if Celia was one of these people. And sure enough, as we got closer to the site, she turned her gaze towards me and Gabriel and instant relief washed over her face. She diverted from the group and quickly approached us. 

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