Chapter 5: Jessica

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The crack of a branch woke me up from my slumber. I didn't recall falling asleep, but now I couldn't feel more awake. My head was resting against Gabriel's chest, who had both of his arms wrapped around me and was still sleeping soundly.

Gabriel's sleeping features had a look of serenity and peacefulness. A look I hadn't seen on his face for a while. I didn't want to risk waking him up because of my own paranoia, so I carefully moved his arms away from my form before slipping out of his embrace. Because I knew that I had heard something. I might just be paranoid thinking of how many people were after us, but if there was even the slightest chance of someone having found us, I couldn't risk it. I could never risk mine and Gabriel's freedom.

After having slipped out of Gabriel's embrace, I warily made my way out of the small cave. It was still dark outside, and far off I could hear the hoot of an owl sound, but other than that, the night seemed perfectly still.Maybe it had just been my imagination after all. 

I was just about to head back inside as I noticed something behind one of the far-off trees. What was that? Not what, but who, I soon realized as I made out the contours of a shadowed person. For a moment, a went totally still and a chill ran down my spine. Could it be that they actually found us after all? After all the trouble that we went through, did the hunters still manage to find us? That could not be. But if it was...

I was just about to call out for Gabriel, to get him to wake up. We needed to get out of here right now. To get somewhere safe. It was probably rather naive of me to think that we had gone unspotted, and that we could just simply run out of here. Whoever it was lurking in the shadows probably already had eyes on us, just like I had eyes on him or her. 

I didn't know how many of them there were yet, which was what frightened me the most. In my head I kept telling myself that we could get out of here unharmed. I mean, we had managed to escape them once before and we could manage to do it again.

But just as I was about to turn around and go and get Gabriel, the figure stepped out of the shadows and into the clear. In that moment, I swear I could feel my own heart beating so rapidly that one could think that it was about to explode. I couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, couldn't move. I was frozen in place, and all because of the person I now saw walking towards me, with that same mischievous smirk painting her lips. Jessica.

"No. No, no, no..." I found myself quietly muttering. This couldn't be happening. Out of all people, Jessica would be the one to find us? That just wasn't happening. I tried to move, to do anything at all, but it was as if my body did not obey me. I was literally frozen in place, unable to get away. 

"What's the matter, Nathan? You didn't think that I would find you again?" A low, amused laughter left her lips and she shook her head as she made a small "tsk" sound.

"Go away. Please, go away." I found myself muttering a prayer to whichever god was out there, if there even was one.

"I will always find you, Nathan. No matter where you go, where you hide, I will always find you. Nathan..."

"No, go away. Leave me alone. Just go away and leave me alone!" I was screaming at this point. Desperate to get away from Jessica, from this entire situation. 

"Nathan. Nathan. NATHAN."

It wasn't Jessica's voice speaking anymore. It was someone else's. I knew that voice, from the bottom of my heart. I think I would know it anywhere.

"Nathan, wake up!"

It was Gabriel. The picture of Jessica blurred out in front of me, and instead I found myself looking up at Gabriel, who looked more than worried.

I was sweating, and Gabriel was holding me tight in his arms. Had it all been a dream? It must have been, but it hadn't felt like a dream. It had all felt so... real. That is also what had made it so terrifying. 

"Dear lord, Nathan. What the hell were you dreaming?" He softly rubbed his thumb against my cheek, an action that actually managed to calm my racing heart. If even just a little bit.

"I... I saw Jessica. She was here, right here..." I felt myself trailing, but Gabriel softly shushed me and pulled me even closer to his chest.

"You don't have to worry about Jessica, or any of them, Nathan. They won't find us, I promise."

"But what if they do?" My words were full of doubt, and real concern. What if they did find us, and all of this was for nothing? What if it was only a matter of time?

"They won't." No matter how much I was doubting, Gabriel's words were filled with determination. With strength. And I saw that same determination in his eyes as I moved my gaze to his.

And somehow, I believed him. We were quiet for a long time, just gazing into each other's eyes as he held me close. I didn't feel like speaking, none of us did. I just wanted to be there with him, let him be my rock. I don't know how much time that passed before I once more let my eyes fall shut and allowed myself to fall back asleep. I felt safe, and no matter how terrifying that dream had been, no one would change the way I felt lying safely in Gabriel's arms.


So, that was that... What did you guys think?! I've been dying to write this chapter, and I would love to hear what you guys thought about it in the comments!

Also, I just want to thank all of you for all the love that you have given this story. All your sweet comments really motivate me to keep writing, and they're the highlight of my day. Don't stop being awesome! <3

xo, Isabell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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