Chapter 3: The City

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I'm so sorry for the late update! I've had a lot going on the past months, with both the end of school and work, so I haven't really had the energy to write. But better late than never, right? Enjoy!


Running with Gabriel was always pleasant. And that's mostly what we did. Run. Well, that is after we got on the train in London taking us all the way to Cardiff, the biggest city in Wales. Cardiff wasn't by far as populated as London, but it was still rather big. And I must say, I quite liked the scenery of it. But of course, Cardiff wasn't mine and Gabriel's final destination. We had agreed on that once we had arrived here, we would make our own way out into the wilds. We had no idea on where we would end up, but as long as I was in the nature and together with Gabriel, I knew nothing could go wrong.

"Are you hungry?" Gabriel asked me, and I turned my gaze his way. When thinking about it, I was quite hungry. We hadn't had the opportunity to eat any proper food since we left the camp. All we had eaten was a sandwich and a chocolate bar here and there. And at the thought of food, my stomach churned in response.

"Actually.. Food sounds pretty good about now."

Fortunately, we had been able to bring some money with us, so we weren't entirely broke. Once in the wilds, we probably wouldn't use that much money, but on our way there it was quite well needed since you never really got anything for free.

"Great, then lets find a place to eat."

Since we didn't have too much money, we had to settle on a smaller place. After about 30 minutes of walking around, we found a small diner which seemed alright. The place wasn't at all crowded, the only guests being an old lady sitting at one of the tables and a man who was probably in his mid-thirties.

We took a seat at one of the tables and within a few minutes, a younger woman arrived at our table, a wide smile curving her lips.

"Welcome to Mandy's Diner, what would you two gentlemen like to have today?" As she spoke, she placed two menus on the table in front of me and Gabriel. After throwing a quick glance over the menu and all that it offered, I decided that chocolate pancakes with cream sounded absolutely delicious.

"I'll take the chocolate pancakes and a glass of orange juice please." I flashed the woman a soft smile, whose name was apparently Gabriella, given by her name tag.

"Great choice. And you, dear?" She turned her attention to Gabriel who was still scanning the menu.

"Hm.. Tough choice, but I think I will go for the waffles."

"Very well, I will be right out with your orders." She flashed us another smile before heading away and into the kitchen.

Me and Gabriel sat there, chatting for a few minutes while just enjoying the other's company as we waited for the food to arrive. As the waitress came back with our orders and placed them at the table before us, my mouth started watering at the sight. I hadn't eaten proper food in a good few days now, so this was definitely a treat.

"I think I'm in heaven.." I mumbled as my gaze was fixed upon the chocolate pancakes, immediately picking up the fork and knife to dig into the food. And oh my god, it did indeed taste like heaven.

Opposite to me, I could hear Gabriel chuckling quietly to himself and I lifted my gaze to give him a questioning look. He shook his head in amusement as he spoke.

"I'm sorry. It's just.. You looking at the pancakes like that was just a very amusing sight."

With a big grin spread upon his lips, he started to dig into his own food. I mumbled quietly in response as I continued with my pancakes.

"Shut your mouth and eat your waffles. I'm just appreciating these pancakes, okay?"

That remark just earned another chuckle from Gabriel, although he didn't say anything else as he continued with his food. Within soon, both of us had cleared our plates and were completely satisfied.

"What do you say, should we be on our way?" Gabriel asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"I like that idea." A smile spread upon my lips as I lowered my head into a nod in response. Even though I liked some aspects of the city, the diners especially, I still longed to get back out into the wilds. I felt more at home out there, more like myself. And out there, I could let out my inner animal, something which I'd also longed for a good while now.

"Come on then, let's go." Gabriel fished up some money for the bill before we headed out of the diner together. This would probably be the last time I saw the city in awhile, so I took the opportunity to take it all in. The buzz of all of all of the people and the city air. Honestly, I wouldn't miss it that much. I liked the forest air way better.

I turned my head around to face Gabriel, giving him a small grin.

"So, should we get out of the city? Let the real fun begin?"

Gabriel flashed me another knowing smile in return as he spoke.

"Let's go."

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