Chapter 4: The forest

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After the short stop in the city, me and Gabriel had ventured out to the forest, where we were planning on finding the perfect spot to settle down on. I'd always preferred the forest over the populated cities. The forest was so calm and serene in comparison to the city's noisiness. When we eventually decided on a spot to settle down on, it had already gotten dark.

"I will go and see if I can find some firewood so that we can start a fire. I will be right back, alright?" Gabriel gave me a soft smile before leaning in to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"Alright, I will stay here and scout the area." I returned Gabriel's smile with one of my own before he went off on the hunt for some firewood.

This place really was perfect. More perfect than any place I'd ever imaged we'd find. The main reason we'd chosen this spot was because the small cave located here. It would give us shelter from tough weather, but it also reminded me a lot about the cave we'd spent the night in a couple of nights ago, which was another reason for why I liked it so much.

Not that far from the cave, there was also a small river running, which would constantly provide us with fresh water. Something that was vital when living like this. After having scouted the area and not finding anything of a threat, I returned back to the cave where Gabriel was already assembling a fire.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Gabriel asked as I sat down next to him.

"Nah, just a bunch of trees. Nothing out of the usual." A low chuckle left my lips.

I knew I probably hadn't needed to scout the area, since no one knew where we currently were. And the only ones who knew that we had even left was the people back at the camp. But I suppose that old habits die hard. And you could never be too safe.

I leaned my head down to lightly rest upon Gabriel's shoulder and he in turn wrapped an arm around my waist to pull my body closer to his. It was getting a bit chilly, but just by sitting by the fire, and just having Gabriel here with me, made me warm inside. But I still couldn't help but worry that people might come looking for us, that maybe Soul would find out that we had left or that Celia would change her mind and bring us back. No matter how safe I felt in this moment, I knew we'd never truly be safe.

"Gabriel, do you think anyone will come looking for us?"

As I spoke, Gabriel moved his gaze down to mine, a soft smile curving those perfect lips. But despite his smile, I knew that he, too, was worried over the same thing as I was.

"I don't know, Nathan. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Either way, no one knows that we're here, and we'll make sure that it stays that way."

His words made me slightly calmer. He was right, of course. Since we hadn't told anyone where we were going, no one knew our location. We just had to stay alert, be on our guards. And if, despite all of our efforts, someone still found us, we'd deal with it as it came. A soft smile made it up my own lips as I circled a hand around Gabriel's waist, keeping his warmth against my own.

"You're right. I probably worry too much, but I just can't help it. Jessica is always going to be looking for me. There's always going to be someone looking for me."

"I know. But if it comes to that, we will face it together. Okay? There's nothing that you and I can't handle, not when we're together."


I lowered my head into a small nod before I reached up to press a soft kiss to Gabriel's lips, one that he more than happily responded to. And in that moment, with Gabriel's lips touching my own, I felt safe. After such a long time, I finally felt safe and at home.


So there you go! I know this chapter wasn't super long, but I promise that there will be more coming for you guys in the very near future. Stay tuned! 

xo, Isabell.

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