chapter two

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you walk into class and see tom and his friends sitting in the back of the classroom like always. you sit as far away from them as you can. so you sit in the front diagonally from them.

tom sees you sit down and yells out

tom: "guys the slut is here!" everyone in the classroom laughs.

teacher: "tom enough, one more time and your going in detention."

tom: "i'm just telling the truth."

y/n didn't let that get to her because it was too early in the morning. (as if they didn't fight earlier 😭). plus she didn't want detention. but she did wanna do something back so she flipped him and his friends off. obviously, tom flipped her off back.

teacher: "alright everyone settle down. hello, my name is mr. sharp and i will be teaching your 1st period math. today we won't be doing any work because it will be an introduction day."

mr. sharp keeps on talking after that. time goes by and 1st period is finally over. you hear the bell ring and rush out of class to find bill and see his schedule.

you find bill walking with one of his friends in the hallway. you run up to them and hug bill.

y/n: "ugh finally i haven't seen you all day!"

bill: "girl it's only been an hour calm down."

y/n: "still. i have no friends except for you AND tom and his friends are in that class. it couldn't get any worse but it did once i found out first period was math."

bill: "damn that's a lot. but since i'm your only friend meet gustav! he's apart of my band tokio hotel."

y/n: "oh yeah i forgot about your band! hey gustav my name is y/n."

gustav: "hey y/n nice to meet you! i'm the drummer."

y/n: "oh that's cool, i haven't really thought of finding out who bill was in a band with until now."

bill: "yeah i have realized that i never introduced you to any of them.." he chuckles.

y/n: "yeah true. who's all in the band anyway?"

bill: "me and gustav obviously, then there's george and then tom."

y/n: "ew tom?"

bill: "yeah, tom. anyways show me your schedule!"

y/n: "alright."

(check marks is what classes they have together)


1st period: math
2nd period: history ✅
3rd period: music
4th period: pe ✅
5th period: english
6th period: spanish
7th period: science ✅
8th period: design


1st period: music
2nd period: history ✅
3rd period: english
4th period: pe ✅
5th period: spanish
6th period: design
7th period: science ✅
8th period: math

just a bitch ?  - tom kualitz enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now