chapter three

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you didn't want to like him but your mind thinks he's pretty cute.. Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT! LIKE SERIOUSLY YOUR JUST STARING AT HIM SAYING NOTHING.

you snap back into reality and see tom snapping at your face to make you focus.

tom: "hello??? y/n? stop staring at me that's weird." he says as he's snapping and clapping at her face.

you laugh at him trying to get you to focus.

y/n: "i was just playing around with you don't worry"

tom: "trust me i did not worry and will never worry about you. but are you sure that was a joke? your blushing said otherwise."

what?? i blushed? oh my gosh y/n you fucked up. now he's gonna think you like him! you quickly make up an excuse.

y/n: "uhh what are you talking about? ohh! you mean the blush i put on this morning? it looks good right?"

tom: "oh that's blush? like makeup?"

y/n: "yeah tom. ever dated a girl before or do you just fuck them and leave everytime."

tom: "actually i have dated girls just not girls that wear makeup because they are naturally beautiful. unlike you. you only wear makeup because you look ugly under it."

that really hurt your feelings. it kind of reminded you of your abusive ex and what he used to say. you started to tear up from the flashbacks and walked out of the classroom with your jacket.

tom just stares at you while your walking out wondering where your going. but he doesn't care so whatever. or does he? let's take a look into toms mind.


when i saw her walk away i felt some type of guilt in my stomach. i've never felt it before especially for her. what the fuck? well.. i mean i did say some hurtful shit but she needs to get over that. i've said stuff like that a million times to her.

wait. tom. do you really care about her? no. no. no. no. you can't like her. i mean she is kinda pretty ngl.. and i think she lied about the blush thing..

TOM STOP. you can't be thinking this. she ruined your life for 2 years. you were paralyzed because of HER. you need to realize that. you know what? fuck it i'm going out to look for her.


tom goes out to look for y/n. he looks everywhere. under the stairs, in the janitors closet, the hallways, nothing. but the only thing he didn't check was the bathroom. he felt weird about going into the girls bathroom but it's not like he hasn't done it before, so fuck it i guess.


y/n walks out of class as a tear drops from her eye. she speed walks to the bathroom and locks herself in the stall. she then starts to do her practices to control her mind. whenever she gets thoughts like this, she always has a way to calm down.

this time it was hard. the thoughts about your ex pushing you against the wall almost breaking it, you almost being in a car crash because of him, all of the memories of your ex all comes back to you. you start sobbing in the stall not caring if anyone can hear you.

just a bitch ?  - tom kualitz enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now