chapter four

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bill: "uhh yeah, i was just showing y/n"

tom: "oh okay. but did she tell you on how she told me to get over the accident and called me a pussy?"

bill: "what?"

y/n: "oh so you just had to tell bill."

tom: "yeah. i tell him everything. by the way your a bitch for that."

y/n: "okay? i don't care about how you feel tom. i'm done trying to apologize to you when all you do is call me a slut and push me around."

tom: "oh you don't care about how i feel? alright. if it's like that then then alright. i genuinely thought that we could be friends again y/n but i guess not."

bill: "guys oh my god stop fighting! i've had enough of you and toms shit y/n. you need to fucking apologize and fix it."

tom: "yeah y/n. go ahead and apologize."

y/n: "i'm not doing shit. i'm waiting for YOUR apology for everything you've done to me for the past couple years."

tom: "i guess your waiting forever then." he walks out the room.

y/n: "bill.. im so sorry i just couldn't. you know how much of a bitch he is."

bill: "i don't know how to feel right now. i think you should go home."

y/n: "oh.. alright i guess. see you at school tomorrow?"

bill: "i don't know y/n. just get out please."

y/n: "okay.. see you bill."

you walk out of bills room and see toms room. you wonder if you should apologize or yell at him because he made bill mad at you. your being very hesitant right know.

you decide just to take it the easy way and apologize. you didn't want bill to be mad at you and you just wanted to get your tom drama over with.

you knock on toms room door and he takes a while to open it, but he does eventually.

tom: "what do you want y/n."

y/n: "can i come in?"

tom: "nah. i don't want you in my room."

y/n: "tom. please."

tom: "fine. but this better be worth it."

you go into his room and sit on his left side of his bed. he sits in the desk chair infront of the left side and waits for you to start talking.

y/n: "so.. i wanted to apologize for everything i've done to you, because i know how much the accident impacted your life. i mean you almost got paralyzed for life, but luckily you didn't."

"anyways, i'm sorry for not stopping you from doing the back flip on the day of the accident. as you know, we were all just having fun and decided to see who was better. but that escalated badly. so i'm sorry about that and i know i should've done this a while ago, but i just couldn't."

"i'm also sorry that i said that to you in the bathroom. i shouldn't have said that and i was just mad. i didn't mean any of it. i can't blame it on me being mad though. but yeah that's it. i'm really sorry for everything tom."

just a bitch ?  - tom kualitz enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now