chapter six

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bill and katie quickly step away from eachother and look at y/n. katie gives y/n a dirty look.

bill: "what are you doing here y/n??"

y/n: "looking for you."

bill: "why? you do realize i'm still mad at you right?"

y/n: "yeah no shit. i'm here to fix that."

bill: "okay. katie, can you step away for a second me and y/n need to speak in private."

katie: "sure but don't take too long with that bitch."

y/n: "who the fuck do you think your talking about?" she walks past bill and stands infront of katie.

katie: "who do you think? is there anyone else here? no. blind cunt."

y/n: "do you want me to beat your ass?"

katie: "go ahead, it's not like you would win. you look weak."

y/n walks up to katie and pushes her to the ground.

bill: "y/n! what the fuck!"

before katie could get up y/n stomps on katie's hand and it cracks. katie groans in pain and she starts sobbing on the ground.

bill: "y/n that's enough!" he grabs her and pushes her behind him and goes to help katie.

y/n: "that's what she fucking gets for calling me a cunt. should've curb stomped your ass."

bill: "katie oh my god are you okay?"

katie: "this- this bitch broke my hand!" she says while still sobbing.

bill: "y/n look what you fucking did. go call the nurse!"

tom walks outside and sees katie crying on the ground and bill helping her. he also sees y/n behind them putting on lipgloss.

tom: "the fuck happened here?"

bill: "y/n broke katie's hand."

tom: "damn y/n. never thought you would get that mad."

katie: "all i did. was call her a fucking cunt!" she says while STILL sobbing.

y/n: "fucking pussy." she chuckles.

bill: "get the fucking nurse already!"

tom: "alright alright. come with me y/n."

y/n shrugs and walks with tom to the nurse.

tom: "so you really broke her hand because she called you a cunt? damn you got anger issues."

y/n: "why are you still talking to me? aren't you mad?"

tom: "nah not really. i mean that apology was really unnecessarily long AND i just wanted to piss you off."

y/n: "bitch."

tom: "you know.. the way you broke katie's hand was kinda hot."

y/n starts blushing.

just a bitch ?  - tom kualitz enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now