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The car fell silent as they drove past buildings and into a tunnel. The two teens watch as the wheel moves and its own. Yn looks out the window not really caring what the two were speaking about or how Sam convinced the girl to sit in his lap. Only listening in when she says something that sets off the alien car that they were riding in. "You know what I don't understand? Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform back into this piece-of-crap Camaro?" Once she finished that sentence, said Camaro suddenly comes to a screeching stop, opening only the passenger side door, as Yn's belt tightens once he tries to also get out. "I'm guessing I'm staying." he mumbles to himself as he drives off, shutting the door and going back the way they came. Sam and Mikaela's figure gets smaller. Somehow he was able to lean onto only two of his wheels, freaking Yn out as he grabs the belt and side of the door. He passes a 5th gen Camaro and scans it. He goes back onto all fours as the whole vehicle changes. The seats get bigger and more comfortable, his racing straps get thicker, and in general a bit more modern "I prefer the classic look, but..." Yn trails off looking at the interior "You still look pretty." he smiles not understanding the beeps and whirls that the car emits. "You look... pretty... too." Yn's face turned a bit pink and he turned away from the radio. "Thanks." He gets another series of beeps before he slows to a stop letting the two teens get back in, thankfully none of them seeing Yn's blush.

They drive through some gates stopping outside some museum seeing 4 asteroids coming closer to the Earth. Sam and Milaela stood outside looking to the sky seeing the white balls fly overhead, Yn smiles seeing that they were holding hands, how sweet. The humans ran over a hill seeing one had landed in a field. Next to the carter was a burning tree and inside was a metal pod with nothing inside, the plot nowhere in sight. They go back to the yellow car letting him drive them to their next destination, which was a dark alleyway with an abandoned car.

As they step out they see 4 types of vehicles drive towards them, 3 of them from behind, and 1 ahead of them. A black cab top-kick, and silver porsche, a green-yellow ambulance and the biggest one is a red and blue semi-truck that has blue flames. They all stop and transform, but it seems that the semi is taking longer. Once they all finished he could see that the red and blue one was the biggest, and he crouches down and leans in looking at the three humans that he could easily kill with a single flick. "Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendant of Archibald Witwicky?" he asks, his voice deep and rough, showing that he has power. Sam stands there in complete silence looking at the robot. "They know your name." Mikaela whispers. 

"Yeah." Yn puts is hands in his pockets looking at the giant robot, well they're all giant it's just this one, *explosion noise*.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." So that's one name out of five. "But you can call us Autobots for short." the ambulance says. "Autobots." Sam repeats. Then the silver one speaks.

"What's cracking, little bitches?" The humans look behind them to look at him. 

"My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz." Prime informs them. Jazz does some flips and spins then lands on an abandoned car behind him. "This looks like a cool place to kick it." He gives some 90's teen vibe as he crosses his arms.

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that? Cause I'm guessing English isn't the designation language across the whole universe." Yn looks at Jazz then to Optimus as he leans back, but continues to kneel. "We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web." Yn nods in understanding, of course an alien race learns our language through the internet, typically. Optimus then points to the black one behind them, "My waspons specialist, Ironhide."

They look behind them, seeing Ironhide pull out some cannons that sit on top of his lower arm and points it at Sam and Yn, Sam quickly goes behind his older brother. "Feeling lucky, punks?" he asks, as the cannon's mouth piece glows a warm blue while the other one is more like rockets and has an orange glow to it . "Sam, you know if he fires that it'll still kill you." he says looking behind his shoulder at his shorter brother, not feeling threatened by the giant certain death weapon pointed at his face, he's had a lot of guns pointed at him this just adds to the list. "Easy, Ironhide." Optimus warns, standing to his full height. Ironhide quickly puts his cannons away, "Just kidding. I just wanted to show them my cannons." He reasons, taking a few steps back. Yn nods, stepping away from Sam. "I mean they are pretty cool."

"Our medical officer, Ratchet.", they look over to the ambulance as he sniffs the air a few times. "The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female." The two teens share awkward silences looking everywhere but each other. Yn on the other hand laughs, making his brother look at him, even more embarrassed. "You- you think this is funny?" he questions.

"You just got exposed by a giant robot from space." he struggles to stop laughing. 

"How'd you know he wasn't talking about you?" Yn finally stops laughing, when the need for oxygen becomes too great. "1) It would be very weird if I, a 27 year old male, thinks of doing it with a 16 year old. 2) I have something called self control." he lists off, looking at the blushing Sam. He rolls his eyes and pushes him away, even though he didn't move. Ratchet sniffs again. "The tall one is bleeding." Yn's face drops as Sam slowly turns around looking at him. 

"You're bleeding?" Sam steps forwards looking at his brother with concern.

"To be fair, we have just been attacked by a robot that was shot out of the chest cavity of a larger robot. And said chest cavity robot hit me in the right place to undo my stitches so bleeding was always gonna be an outcome." Yn says putting his hands on his hips, Sam looks closer at the dark grey shirt Yn had on seeing an darker shade on his side. "Why do you even have stitches?" Mikaela asks, looking past Sam to meet the eyes of Yn. "Well when you get shot twice you can't just put a plaster on it."

"Shot?! You've been shot!" Sam freaks out, raising his voice slightly. 

"Twice, but we're surrounded by alien robots. One of which speaks like they're from the 90's." he points to Jazz, "and you're freaked out that your brother, a captain in the army, has got shot? You need to get your priorities checked, mate. It's basically in the job description." Sam sighs, putting his head in his hands, effectively giving up on his brother.

The final one to be introduced is Sam's car. "You already know your guardian, Bumblebee." It seems that they agree to ignore the small disagreement the two brothers had. Bumblebee comes over punching in the air and playing some type of music. "Bumblebee, right?" Sam asks, looking at the yellow autobot as he stops his little display. "So you're my guardian, huh?" the bot nods. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle. I'm still working on them." Ratchet explains, pointing a laser at the smaller bot's throat, making him cough and hold his throat. Mikaela turns looking at Optimus asking a very important question. "Why are you here?"

"We are here looking for the AllSpark. And we must find it before Megatron." Optimus explains.

"Mega-what?" Sam questions, making Yn shake his hand, his fate for humanity slowly disappearing. "Megatron, Sam, he literally just said." Sam pushes Yn away.

Optimus touches his head and projects a hologram to add more finesse to their backstory. The ground beneath them starts cracking and metal pillars shoot up from the ground, showing a metal world with smoke and fire littered around the place. But also he shows them Megatron, a very ugly looking guy, his colour matching his home plant of a very dark grey, throwing a spear at some robot that was running away, "Is he really that ugly?" Yn asks, but gets no reply, as Optimus speaks of the war that ripped his world apart, almost like WW2 but with giant robots and the bad guys winning, it would be a boss movie. "Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the AllSpark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him." Sam looks up at Optimus with amazement as the hologram fades away, "Our grandfather." Sam hits Yn's shoulder, making the man wince, "Sorry." He quickly apologises seeing his brother rub his injured shoulder, Yn glares at him and mouths, 'You are so dead' before putting his attention back on Optimus. "It was an accident that intertwined our fates. Megatron crash landed before he could retrieve the Cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses." he finishes.

"How'd you know about his glasses?" Sam questions. And Opimus replies in the most serious of tones. "eBay." Yn nods, holding back a small chuckle.

"If the Decepticons find the AllSpark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." Ratchet closes his fist, showing them that everything will be destroyed. "And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival." All the autobots surround them looking down. "Please tell me that you have those glasses."

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