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Yn wakes up in a helicopter as they fly high in the sky, he was the only one still with handcuffs on, sitting across from a chubby black guy named Glen and a blond woman who was called Maggie. "So..." Sam says but trails off not knowing how to start the conversation. 

"What they get you for?" the blond girl asks. 

"Um... I bought a car. Turned out to be an alien robot." The guy mouths a 'wow'. "Who knew?" They fly past some cliffs and land, seeing that they were at the hoover dam. Some guards lead them to a car that drives them to the top where Simmons was waiting. Yn wasn't paying attention when they stopped to listen to some guy talk. Further down the path some soldier stood, "Team attention! Present arms!" Their Lieutenant shouts as they see Mr Secretary walk up to them. They all stand straight and do a salute. "At ease. Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work." Mr.S says.

"Thank you, sir. But I'm not the Captain, I'm the Lieutenant. Our Captain is on medical leave. But, what about the gunships?" 

"Sorry for the confusion. The ships are being retrofitted with sabot rounds now. If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them. But it won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up." he informs, he looks to the side and sees five extra people walk up and sees that one is in handcuffs so he walks over and stands next to Simmons and a man in black that got him here.

"Why is this young man in cuffs?" he asks, the soldiers behind him look over to see who he was talking about seeing their Captain, except he looks a little worse for wear. One of his hands in fresh bandages and one bruised and his clothes looked dirty with his jacket that has some holes. "It's for our protection, sir. His man killed two of our men last night and ended two of them in hospital." Simmons explains as Yn looks at Simmons and the white-haired man. Will walks up to them, "Sir, I know this man." Yn looks at Will in shock. 

"Will? The news said you were dead." Yn says looking at Will with shock.

"He's our captain, he doesn't put up a fight without reason." Mr.S turns to Yn, 

"Why did you do those things, Captain?"

"I was trying to protect a friend." he reasons, as Simmons scoffs. 

"Remove the cuffs. He doesn't need them." he orders. Yn rubs his wrist, glaring at Simmons as he walks past him. He spots his team and smiles. "Hey, Boss." Epps says, fist-bumping him. "What happened to ya hand?" he asks as they follow the others inside. 

"No idea. I just know that I'm never going into a teenager's bag again." He says smiling, not taking note that he feels sick, he was sweating a lot and was slightly pale. Will notices this though and plans to pull him aside later and ask about it.

They enter the hoover dam and listen to Simmons talk, "All right, here's the situation. You've all had direct contact with the NBEs." He loudly talks so everyone can hear him. 

"NBEs?" Epps asks.

"Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms." They enter a dimly lit tunnel, "What you're about to see is totally classified." The boss of S-seven states. On the far back wall is a giant ass frozen robot, and oh my god it is ugly. "Dear God. What is this?" Mr.S asks, amazed by what stands in front of him. "We think when he made his approach over the north pole, our gravitational field screwed up his telemetry. He crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped him here to his facility in 1934." How the hell did they do that?

"We call him NBE One." Simmons says.

"Well, sir, I don't mean to correct you on everything you think you know, but, I mean, that's Megatron." Yn says crossing his arms, he was right, this guy has always been this ugly. Simmons turns and faces Yn, "He's the leader of the Decepticons." Sam adds.

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