Chapter 4

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-The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet I'll catch you, I'll catch you. And people say things that bring you to your knees, I'll catch you. The time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry, but I'll hold you through the night until you smile...-

Tenten pov:

      Neji and I rushed out of the closet, putting aside what had happened (to my disappointment) and focusing more on where that sound came from.

      "That sounded like it came from the o-other side of the estate!" Hinata exclaimed in shock. I was beginning to panic when I heard another sound,


      "Was that another shot?" I yelled over the noise.

      "No, it was a rubber chicken- OF COURSE THAT WAS ANOTHER GUN SHOT!" Sakura said angrily. Neji and Hinata exchanged panicked and shocked faces before rushing out the door. They were running towards the other side of the estate with myself, and the others rushed after them, trying to catch up. Panting, I looked up to see that the two Hyuga had frozen in their tracks. I looked up to see what they were looking, to find a bunch of people with headbands that had a pattern that looked like that of a cloud, standing over what looked like a dead man.

      The figures disappeared and Neji ran over to the dead body lying in the grass. He put his ear to the man's chest to listen for a heartbeat. There must have been a faint heartbeat because Neji grasped the mans hands and stared at his face, looking for any signs of life.

      "Guys, why don't we go and check to see if there were any other casualties. There were two shots fired after all." Hinata sad sadly. I could see the small tears in her eyes as she ushered the others out. She looked at me and nodded. Not a word had been uttered, but an understanding was between us.

      'Take care of him for me.' She had meant. I nodded back to her, so that she knew that I would. She turned and followed the rest out to look at the rest of the estate.

      I called the ambulance, and slowly walked over toward Neji and sat next to him. At first, I didn't know who the man was, but after seeing him I could tell that this man was Neji's father. I drew my breath upon learning this and put a hand on Neji's shoulder to comfort him. I looked over to see Neji's face and I saw that he was silently crying. His father was still for a moment but then his hand twitched. Neji's face bolted to look at his father to see him gritting his teeth but smiling at Neji.

      The medics from the ambulance got Neji's father onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. They were trying to listen to his heartbeat. They turned to us and shook their head.

      "I'm sorry. He's already dead now. There's nothing we can do." The medic said Neji drew his breath as they brought his father into the ambulance. When they closed the ambulance doors, Neji fell onto his knees. I crouched down next to him and hugged him as he quietly cried. 

      A little after the police officers had taped up the crime scene, they asked us about what we had saw. I told the police officers everything and that my friends were out in the rest of the estate looking to see where the first shot had been fired. They thanked me and went to find the rest of our group that had went to look for the first shot.

      "Why... why did it have to be him?" I heard a quiet voice from beneath me whisper. I looked down and saw Neji slightly shaking.

      "Sometimes fate can be cruel. The best ones always go first." I breathed to match the quietness of his voice. He didn't say anything, but he just lifted his head to look out at the wall and began to struggle to stand. I helped him stand and then let go of him. He began to walk to the other side of the estate to meet the others, and I followed behind him, not wanting to be left alone in the eerie space.

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