Chapter 5

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I'm not going to put the lyrics in the beginning of the chapter this time. I'm sure that you can find them sometime in the next chapter or two. If you don't know the next lines, then listen to the song, but iykyk.😉


Tenten pov:

      It was morning now, and Neji and I had fallen asleep. We spent the entire night just sitting next to each other, so I could comfort him, until we had both fallen asleep. I had walked over to Hinata's room to find the other girls also sleeping there. I didn't want to wake any of them, so I returned to Neji's room. When I had returned, Neji was already awake.

      "Oh, Neji. You're awake." I remarked as he looked up at me. I wanted to tell him so bad. To just share all my bottled-up feelings for him.

      I wished that I could tell him that I was in love with him.

======================Time skip===========================

      I returned to my apartment and plopped down on my bed. Doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, I laid there for a few minutes before I got up and started cleaning my messy apartment, just to get my mind off him.

      It didn't work. At all. All I could think about was Neji and it was driving me insane at the same time. I wanted to get my mind off him, but I just couldn't. I made up my mind to just text the girls.

Kick 'em in the shins group chat

Tenten️: Hey girls

Ino👑: heyy bestie

Sakura🌸: What's up Ten?

Hinata💜: yeah, what's going on?

Temari🤬: what's wrong?

Tenten️: Idk just felt like talking.

                        How is everything with ur boys?

Hinata💜: what do you mean our boys😳

Ino👑: Ohhhh

                Yeah, things are going great with Sai

                We even have a date tonight. He's taking me out to get dumplings then we're going shopping.

Sakura🌸: Sasuke is still ignoring me or calling me annoying😒

Temari🤬: shouldn't we be asking you that Tenten? You seemed prettyyyy comfortable with Neji last night😏

Tenten️: Temariii why do you have to expose me like that?

                        Not that you didn't all see that already...

Temari🤬: hehe

Sakura🌸: you know what? I think you should tell Neji how you feel about him. After seeing you guys last night, I'd be surprised if he DIDN'T also have feelings for you.

Hinata💜: She's right! Neji's never let anyone that close before.

                        Like ever.

Ino👑: So, either you tell him yourself or we tell him.

                What's it going to be, Tenten?

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