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𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘶𝘣𝘦'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷 • ༉ ‧₊˚.
Oh golly, what have I gotten into?

Am I that dumb enough to not understand what this is? Fan continued dropping oh-so-confusing hints I couldn't even decipher. I recently talked to Candle about Fan but she wouldn't tell me most of the details since he said to keep it top secret. The only thing she could let out was a " You'll find out soon enough. " I mean, that wasn't even crucial information, I'm telling you.

My notes have been filled up with information about him and I couldn't gather my thoughts about the hypothesis and the conclusion. Maybe I should head over to Lightbulb and see what she thinks. I headed down a flight of stairs, reaching the room's door. I knocked, no answer. I knocked again, but still nothing. This is starting to get frustrating.

" Lightbulb, are you even in here? " A frustrated tone laced my words. I slowly creaked the door open, finding out that it wasn't locked. I heard sounds of what seemed to be clicking or snaps. I opened the door entirely, the room was filled with darkness. I suppose Lightbulb isn't here for now.

Before I could turn away, I felt something tossed in my glass tube. It moved a lot inside, making me quite dizzy and tickled ( I am that ticklish. ) The room lights were turned on before a SURPRISE happened.

" BOO! Did I scare you? " Lightbulb yelled with an ambush. I tried to speak but it came out with gibberish words and murmurs. Just then, Baxter crawled up my glass and jumped onto Lightbulb's hands. He was soaking wet with green liquid, I swear this poor dude keeps getting wet in every situation possible. I connected the dots and realized Lightbulb was the one who threw him in my glass tube.

" What were you doing to the poor crab?! " I confronted Lightbulb, raising my index finger to scold her actions. She replied sheepishly, letting out a sorry.

" Don't do that again or any shenanigans you have up your sleeve. " My hands are fixed on my hips, glimpsing over her bright eyes with a nonchalant expression. Lightbulb nodded in agreement as I took a sigh of relief.

" Okay smarty, whadd'ya need anyways? " Lightbulb said with a smile that reaches up to her eyes.

" I just need some help with some information about. Fan, I still haven't figured out what he's been hiding from me. " I responded, I swear I saw Lightbulb perking up from the word ' Fan ' as she raised her eyebrows towards me, strange.

" Oh, about Fan? I don't know anything. Why ask? " She had a straightforward reply, something's telling me she knew something about him, but she wouldn't, no, couldn't spill it.

" Hmm... Alright. " I hesitated to accept her reply, turning my back to have some time to consider the thoughts that hung in my mind. The next thing I knew, Lightbulb had covered my sight with a blindfold, I could barely see the room. I guess I got a bit carried away.

" Gah! Lightbulb, what is this? " I snapped back to reality as I tried removing the blindfold. Lightbulb though was that persistent in keeping it over my eyes.

" Shh, just hold my hand and everything will be fine. " I felt her hand against mine, trying to give me a sense of comfort and relaxation.

" Define fine. This isn't FINE! " I panicked. How did she expect me to react? The next thing you know, I'm gonna be led to an eerie forest for a killer to finish me off. Too many horror movies I watched with Fan made me traumatized for dear life.

Lightbulb led me out of the room, blindfolded, down the hotel stairs carefully. I could hear some of the objects chatting and causing chaos inside.

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