4 | An understanding

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The tower was asleep. Outside the windows were black with night, the city lights glowing faintly. You silently passed everyone's rooms, casting a glance at the kitchen clock along the way: 11:58 am.

You reached the training room to find the lights on and Bucky already there. He stood leaning with a shoulder against the wall, nonchalantly twirling a combat knife. He didn't even spare you a glance. For once, he knew you were there.

"Weapons or hand-to-hand?" he asked, then took the tip of the blade between his fingers and threw it. It struck a bullseye target across the room, crammed between a couple other knives. All dead center.


Bucky smirked. "What; too scared?"

You crossed the room and pulled the knife he'd thrown from the target. You spun around and threw it straight at him, purposefully missing his head by a couple inches. The blade embedded itself in the wall behind him. Bucky's wide eyes met yours.

You returned the smirk. "Too easy."

You knew your way around weapons as well as any Avenger, but you didn't prefer using them. Not compared to your abilities. Therefore you had to make sure this was a challenge.

The smile crept back onto Bucky's face, and he raised his hands in surrender. "Touché. Rules of engagement?"

You shrugged off your shirt to reveal your sportsbra. "First to tap out loses. Or you make me lose my cool first."

"Shouldn't be too hard." Bucky strutted over to the sparring mat and gestured to it, as if he were inviting you onto a dance floor. "Ready when you are, sweetheart."

You both lined up on the mat. Then you began to circle each other, as if you had knives. Bucky stalked you with a demeanor that was too relaxed for your liking, and his eyes were predatory. But he wasn't the only predator here.

You struck first. Your were fast, but apparently predictable. No matter what you threw at Bucky he deflected it or stepped aside, letting you stumble over your own momentum. You knew Bucky was more experienced than you, but his nonchalance combined with the occasional 'careful' and 'watch your step' only added to your humiliation. But you didn't lose it. You had to keep your head cool.

Bucky realized you weren't fired up enough and switched tactics. The next time you swung at him he sidestepped and twisted your arm behind your back. His metal one wrapped around your throat, pulling you flush against his solid chest.

"So your own father's gunning for you, huh?" His breath was hot on your ear. "Sounds like you two have unresolved family drama."

You panted, free hand prying at his metal arm. "This your way of trying to piss me off?"

"Maybe." He spun you around, still keeping your arm locked behind you. "Or maybe I'm just curious."

"Maybe you should shut up and focus," you hissed.

You kneed him in the stomach and shoved him away from you. Bucky stumbled, his groan turning into a chuckle.

"Sounds like I hit a nerve. Touchy subject, huh?"

"Barnes," you warned. The fight continued, but he didn't stop.

"Y'know, you shouldn't be too surprised. Hydra officials turn on their own all the time. Helps them sort out the weakest links. Maybe your daddy didn't think you met the mark."

"I mean it, Barnes. Don't." You felt it. The hot anger welling up inside you.

"Don't what, call you out on your bullshit? What sob story did you feed the Avengers so they let you off the hook? That you didn't have a choice?"

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