8 | Safehouse

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Apparently, deep in its wilderness and up in the mountains, Bucky had an old safehouse. A hideout from his time on the run before he'd joined the Avengers. No one knew it existed, not even Steve, so naturally Bucky had to accompany you there.

After you'd been taken into SHIELD custody there'd been some reconsideration on Tony's part. Bucky had convinced him that for everyone's sake, including your own, going off-grid was the best course of action. That way you wouldn't be a risk to others and it would also be harder for Drozdov to find you.

That was the story Bucky told you on your way Alaska, at least. Not that you didn't believe him. You did. You were grateful beyond words that he'd defended you, but you felt you were missing part of the story. Tony didn't change his mind easily. It made you wonder what Bucky may have left out. You distracted yourself from the thought by staring out the passenger seat window; watching the pine forests and distant snowy mountains pass by. Bucky sat behind the wheel. He didn't force you to chat.

The last stretch was on foot. Leaving your vehicle behind you hiked through the beginnings of a snowstorm. The icy wind and blindingly thick snowflakes tempted you to shapeshift into something more suitable - something warmer, furrier - but you dismissed the thought. You weren't going to risk shapeshifting. After two grueling hours you finally reached the snowy outline of a cabin.

The door swung open and you stepped into a still darkness. Bucky shut it behind him, muffling the storm outside. As he shrugged off his snow-covered gear you flicked on the lights. There were a couple couches by a fireplace, a small dining table, and off to the side a cramped kitchen. Two doors which you assumed lead to a bathroom and bedroom. The stifled air smelled of wood and dust, telling you no one had been here in a while. Outside the windows the blizzard raged on.

"The generator should get the place warmed up within the hour," Bucky said, like he needed to break the silence. "In the meantime we should get the fire going. I don't know about you, but I don't want to lose my remaining fingers to frostbite."

You didn't answer. It made Bucky antsy.

"So what do you think?" he asked.

You seemed to suddenly remember he was there, and it took you a moment longer to answer. "It'll do."

You shrugged off your coat and boots, Bucky watching as you did. You'd been quiet the whole trip. He knew why, he just didn't know how long it would last. It was odd, considering he usually preferred quiet. Hell, if he'd been stuck with you like this a few months ago, he would've probably walled off half the cabin to avoid even seeing you. But this had been his idea. He'd wanted this. He may have convinced Tony it was out of professional courtesy, that it was to repay you for saving his life - and he may have tried to convince himself of that too - but he couldn't deny it. He wanted to talk to you. To learn more about the parts of you he'd previously overlooked.

But first you had to come around again. In order for you to do that, he figured it was best to be patient. He'd wait for you to come to him.


You flinched when the guard slammed the door behind you, locking you in total darkness. The air was stagnant and smelled of wet cement, but there was another scent. Before your night vision could kick in, the dim lights flickered on to reveal a man in the center of the room, tied to a chair. His head was covered by a black hood. You could hear his fearful whimpers underneath.

Along one of the walls ran thick glass. Drozdov stood behind it, his round glasses reflecting light like two spotlights.

"Kill him," he said over the speakers.

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