5 | Taming the beast

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Bucky trained you every night in secrecy. He provoked you, like promised, but he never mentioned Drozdov again. He also gave you advice, one being that you relied too much on your abilities. You had to embrace your human form if you wanted to beat him. That was easier said than done with all his relentless taunting and teasing, but at least your bickering was more light-hearted.

There was also a sort of static in the air. Hand-to-hand combat meant getting up close and personal with your opponent. You didn't expect it to be so distracting: the warmth of his firm body against yours when he pinned you to the mat, or the strong grip of his hand when he pulled you back to your feet. But despite it all, you improved. You lashed out less and less, even if it meant tapping out because Bucky's combat skills exceeded yours. And during your last session you finally did it. You pinned him.

You panted, hair hanging and tickling your cheeks. Bucky's face was to the mat, his metal arm twisted behind him in such a way that he couldn't calibrate it properly. Your weight was on his back, and you rose a little with each breath he took.

"Did you cheat?" he asked, speech muffled by the mat.

You grinned. You may have had the habit of channeling the strength of a lion or bear for a few seconds, just to get the upper hand. But not this time.

"Nope," you chirped. "I just beat you."

Bucky chuckled, a sound that vibrated beneath you. "That you did."

He finally tapped the mat with his open palm, signaling defeat. You felt the addictive rush of victory and released him. When you got off him, though, he turned on you. In the blink of an eye he'd flipped you over and pinned your wrists.

You squirmed and huffed. "Cheater."

"I call it the element of surprise," he countered. "Looks like you still have a lot to learn."

"Looks like you still have a lot to teach." You realized what it sounded like you were implying and quickly added, "You know I could throw you off in a heartbeat, right?"

"But you haven't." Bucky smirked, eyeing you up and down in a leisurely way. "Either my teaching's paid off, or you're distracted."

You felt goosebumps spread along your arms. He was right. A week ago you wouldn't have hesitated to throw him off you. Now here you were, letting him pin you.

You twisted a leg out from under him and hooked it around his side, flipping yourself over and swiftly straddling him. "You wish," you quipped.

Being on top helped you reclaim at least some of your dignity, even if Bucky didn't put up much of a fight. You suddenly realized that this was your last training together. It left you feeling strangely disappointed.

"So now what?" you asked.

Bucky made himself comfortable under you, placing his hands behind his head like he was lounging at the beach. He shrugged. "It's still early."

The joke made you stifle a smile - it was way past midnight - but Bucky caught it. He grinned.

"And you did make me a promise," he added.

Oh. Oh. It was your turn to grin. Time to fulfill your end of the deal.


Sam's scream could've been heard all across New York. He'd woken up to a black mamba slithering across his chest and trashed out of bed screaming and cussing. By the time he'd turned on the lights you were already gone, escaping down the hall with Bucky. The threats Sam spouted after you echoed down the halls.

You laughed. And much to your amusement so did Bucky. Annoying as he thought you could be, he couldn't deny how entertaining it was to see you pull off a prank. Since he wasn't your victim for once, he also had the opportunity to appreciate the glitter of mischief in your eyes.

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