6 | Unleashing the beast

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A bright flash and the sound of a camera shutter woke you. You stirred, blinking the sleep from your eyes, and found yourself face to face with an Iphone camera lens. The blurry figure beyond came into focus: Sam. With a shit eating grin on his face.

Something warm and solid moved beneath your head, and you realized with a start that it was Bucky. You were lying on his chest. Your leg was draped over his waist, like you'd been clutching him in your sleep. Your wide eyes met his. What the fuck?

You splayed your hands against his chest. Meanwhile Sam took off running down the hall laughing like a maniac. You shared one final wide-eyed look with Bucky. Like the flick of a switch you both jolted into action, clambering out of the couch and booking it after Sam.

"Shit," you hissed. "Go left, I'll go right!"


You both took off in opposite directions, determined to cut Sam off. Had it been any other occasion you wouldn't have bothered to pursue him, but this wasn't any normal occasion. This was like life or death. Sam wasn't nearly as tricky or clever as you, but after all the times you'd pranked him in the past you knew he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get payback. You couldn't let him get away with that photo.

You took a final short-cut and ran into Sam, cutting off his escape. Before he could turn and run Bucky appeared behind him and blocked the way back. You both wasted no time shoving Sam against the wall.

Sam looked surprised, but a hint of awe was on his face, like he was secretly impressed by yours and Bucky's perfect coordination. You tried not to think about it.

"You tell anyone, anyone, and I swear I'll-"

"Ah, ah," Sam interrupted you and held up the phone. "As far as I'm concerned you're in no position to threaten me."

You were about to try and snatch the phone, but Bucky spoke first. "What about negotiating? What do you want in exchange for deleting the photo?"

You sent Bucky an incredulous look, though you supposed you shouldn't be surprised by his calmness. Out of the two of you he was admittedly the more collected one.

Sam's grin stretched wider. "Oh, you two really don't want this getting out, do you?"

You buried the anger inside you, deciding to play along with Bucky's approach. "What do you want?"

"For starters? Answers. I thought you two hated each other."

"We do," you both said in unison. Then Bucky relented, "Well, hate is a strong word-"

"It's the right word," you hissed.

Bucky looked like he wanted to argue but shrugged instead. "Agree to disagree."

The amusement never left Sam's face. He obviously wasn't buying it, and his suggestive smirk made you uneasy.

"So when did y'all-" he pointed between you, "-become a thing?"

"We're not a thing," you deadpanned, but Sam was already busting up.

"I knew y'all had unresolved tension, but the couch? Really?" he exclaimed. "Maybe FRIDAY has some footage on last night's action-"

"Sam." You said his name through your teeth. Your patience was running thin, you were embarrassed and Bucky wasn't much help. It was like you were the only one taking this seriously.

Sam regained his composure. "Alright, alright. What do I want? As in, what do I want in return for being woken up to a snake in my bed?" He tapped his chin and hummed. "An opportunity like this requires thought. I'll get back to you on that. In the meantime, you two could always pick up where you left off."

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