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THE POLLYWOG“you want answers?”

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you want answers?

THE POLLYWOG“you want answers?”

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CHARLIE DIDN'T FEEL BETTER IN THE MORNING, but she felt a little less tired

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CHARLIE DIDN'T FEEL BETTER IN THE MORNING, but she felt a little less tired. When she woke up, it took her a second to even remember the night before. But slowly, it came back, and honestly, she wished it hadn’t. The stinging in her chest felt like it was only growing, but with the memories of Nancy, she also remembered what Hopper had explained out on the porch. How El had been alone Halloween night because they’d both forgotten to signal.

Finally coming out from her bedroom, she heard movement from the kitchen, turning the corner to find Hopper at the stove with a frying pan. It looked as if he was making pancakes, and there were a ton of them, all of them piling up on a plate beside him. Charlie knew this was his attempt at an apology, but this wouldn’t work for her. She needed to do her’s personally.

Walking back away from the kitchen, she walked up to El’s door, it having been left ajar a little. Charlie didn’t think El completely trusted the cabin just yet, therefore she kept her door open the tiniest bit every night just in case. The blonde leaned forward, knocking lightly, the door swinging open even wider, allowing her to see El’s back facing her as she was turned towards the wall, still in bed. Charlie wished she was still in bed.

“El, I’m sorry,” Charlie started with. She felt like she was apologizing a lot lately. She could tell El was listening because her head turned up the smallest bit. “I broke a promise last night, I know. And that’s definitely on me. I should have signaled at least. I shouldn’t even have gone to the party in the first place.” Charlie wished she hadn’t. “I should have stayed home with you, and watched whatever horror movie was on, and ate so much candy we could puke.”

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