❤︎︎ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑 ❤︎︎

283 6 11


(For later dialogue/discussion??)
Your friend


Dried tears sat on my cheeks leaving a uncomfortable feeling as I walked. We stayed silent for the most part. Minus a small sniffle coming from me every once in a while.

Miles was so caring... wiping my eyes and stuff. His hands are soft. We came closer to the bridge that separated the city. "Why did you cry so hard when you saw me?" Miles asks looking down at me. I shrug, "I was crying for like 20 minutes" I mumble. Loud enough to be heard through.

"Why?" Miles voice came out as some weird tone that I could tell he was concerned but it's just so hard to explain. I shrug again and we reach my street. Before miles walks away I feel some sort of weird emotion that I can't believe I would ever feel towards some kid.

I didn't wanna leave him.

Something must be wrong with me because I've hated him for years. Come to think of it, why did I hate him? I never had a reason. Though I could never admit it. "Do you wanna walk to my door?" I mention. Miles looks at me almost taken back, but nods.

Something must be wrong with me. It's almost like I'm going insane. I have never in my life craved a mans attention so much. It's embarrassing.

I walked in my apartment door after thanking miles. As I walk in I notice my mom on the phone. My mom has some sad smile plastered on her face and after she hangs up she lets out a huge sigh.

"Mom? Who was that?" I ask slightly pointing to the phone. "Your aunt" i nod slowly. "Oh." I say quietly before walking to my room.

My aunt. I honestly thought that we weren't gonna talk to her after last time but, okay. It's whatever I guess.

Mom doesn't even like her. Why where that talking? Did something happen? Are my cousins okay?

Thoughts start to fill my brain again. It just won't stop. Why won't it stop? I want it to stop.. why can't I just make it go away?

What is wrong with me?

I quickly shutdown that final thought and sit up. The rest linger in my head until I start to think it again.

What is wrong with me?

Can't I just shut up? It's so annoying..
sto solo pensando, vero?

No one's hurt or anything. It's not real.
Am I real? What if this all just a dream?

I look around my room for a minute. Why does everything feel so weird? It's all so slow.

I lay my head back down and look at the time again. 5:30 . What if I did a stick and poke? I haven't done one since I was 13. Since I was friends with Corey. I'll just wait until my mom is sleeping last time I was caught and literally grounded for almost 3 months.

What was there to do? Like actually. There's nothing to do. I look around and pick up a sketch book and start drawing little doodles and at some point I started drawing male anatomy.

I noticed that the features on the guy I was drawing started looking somewhat familiar... fucking miles.

Why does it look like him? I don't like it.

I get up and walk around my room and then plop on my bed. I sit there face down for a moment then stand up and grab a bottle of nail polish. I start painting my nails for a little and as soon as I mess up I decide that I was gonna call a friend.

I look through my contacts and get into bed. I click on a profile and call one of my best friends.

Dialogue? ->>

"What's up" they ask after answering the phone.

"Bored" I respond and start looking out of my window every other minute or so.

I start to notice some movement or sounds? I guess you could call it shifting or shuffling I don't
Know. I get up and go to look out of my window and see some figure that has purple on its body in various of places.

"Yo someones outside my
Room" I speak up after a minute and my voice sounds a little different. Not weird different but as if I just saw a scary movie different.

"What are you talking about
Y/n?" My friend asks, confused.

I turn the camera to the window and look at the tree that sat outside. It's shuffled and then a foot jumps away and onto the roof of the building next door.

"You saw that right?" I ask getting more nervous. And I see my friend nod over the phone.

"Maybe someone is rescuing a animal" my friend shrugs.

"I don't think so it looked familiar.. " It was someone's boot. Like a pair of black boots.

I turn the camera to face me again and then I see neon purple mask out of the tree. I freeze and stop speaking for a moment

"bro, the prowler is literally sitting outside my apartment building right now" I say quietly.

"What? Like actually?" My friend says. I nod yes.

"Hold on lemme call you back" I say hanging up and putting my phone down.


I look out of the window more closely and see that he's looking at me? "Whatever.." I mumbled before sitting down on my floor.

Little miss 𝒸ℴ𝓆𝓊ℯ𝓉𝓉ℯ {Prowler Miles X reader}Where stories live. Discover now