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How's everyone doing? Unfortunately this isn't an update to this story, but instead a clarification!

So at the end of this story, I mentioned there was a good ending, I've had a lot of people message me about them not being able to find it. Which isn't a glitch or publishing issue, it did exist awhile ago, but I never ended up finishing it so I deleted it so that people didn't have an unfinished sequel.

So the ending of this book is the canon ending, but I'll give you some information or closer about this au! I'm actually not into omori anymore, and I don't like this fanfic at all due to my pretty bad writing (😭).

What happened to Sunny and Mari ;

Okay so basically, this au was supposed to be a reverse of the actual game! A lot of people were confused about why Mari said it was Sunny's fault and that they would keep that between eachother, and that's the answer. After the story, Mari and Sunny both hold the burden of Basil's dead, considering that they were the only two that ever knew about his crush on Sunny, causing them to recreate the events of the actual game!

What happened to Aubrey ;

After Basil's death, Aubrey also blamed herself, because her and Basil were so close and she was the one to introduce him to everyone, she felt like she could of done more to reach out to him. This caused her to become the same Aubrey in game of course.

What happened to Kel ;

He couldn't believe that Basil was gone, it effected him deeply, but just like in the game, he kept it hidden and tried his best to keep everyone happy. Aubrey didn't talk to him much, she thought he was insensitive because of his reaction to Basil's death.

What happened to Hero ;

The events effected him deeply of course, since Mari was his girlfriend, and she was going through the guilt of Basil's death, blaming herself for not just telling Sunny about it when she had the opportunity before things got bad. Him and Kel go over to Sunny and Mari's house a lot, trying to get them both to come out.

What was in the original good ending/sequel ;

Well, it was basically Basil waking up in a hospital, in the good ending his suicide attempt failed and he lived, continuing on the story. It was supposed to be Basil being completely off the rails that he actually survived, even though him and Sunny were dating. He'd frequently try and hurt himself and kill himself, the good ending was supposed to be him going through a really rough time and then learning to accept everything and recover.

That's all that I can think of personally, but if you have any other questions or concerns feel free to ask in the comments! I'm happy you all enjoyed this story even if I hate it a lot, I do still regularly read comments and check my messages.

Okay seriously this time, thanks for reading.

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