The Investigation North

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"Why do you get to go on all the fun missions while I'm stuck babysitting?" Gale smirked as Storm prepared to depart from Southwood.

"I'll bring back some heads as souvenirs!" she replied mockingly, but then, just for a moment, her face softened. "Try not to get too overwhelmed without me here." Her words were half joking, and half serious. Gale mirrored her expression and nodded.

"I won't be the one wandering into an active warzone," he said, and some of his inner worry bled into his voice too.

"Well, I'll be with some of the finest soldiers of two war camps," Storm tried to smile encouragingly. "That's why we're not bringing you."

"Ouch. With words like that, you might've already killed me," Gale laughed, resting a hand over his heart.

"Keeps you strong," Storm nudged Gale, then she gave him one last smirk before slipping away to the Bull.

As Gale watched her go, his face fell. Sometimes, I wish I'd never become Southwood's leader.

It was the same issue Storm once faced. Being leader was safer than being a normal soldier, but for those who yearned to be on the frontlines, "safer" was not always "better". What if she doesn't come back? What if Iris...?

Seeing the Corruptors brought back a lot of bad memories for Gale, to say the least, and most of them centered around his late wife, Tempest. She never came home, making it all the way to the final battle before perishing there. What if something like that happened again?

Gale shook his head, struggling to drag himself out of his spiraling thoughts. Yes, the life of a soldier was dangerous, but could he really say that he expected anything else? Besides, he would do no good simply standing around, waiting and worrying.

I should at least try to put all my nervous energy to good use, he thought as he finally exited his office to find his deputy. Now, where is Cody?


In the days and weeks following the fall of Northplain, patrols fanned out across the country. After the story of the ambush spread around Lastland, so too did paranoia and preparation. The Chief aided in the recovery efforts, commanding Northplain to remain at Southwood until further notice. There was also still a collection of soldiers in Northplain, all the ones who stayed behind to make the evacuation possible in the first place.

"So, what's the plan?" Avalon asked excitedly, leaning forward in their seat as their turquoise eyes darted around the merry band tasked with spearheading the investigation north. There had already been a couple smaller patrols sent north, but it was usually only for supply or intel. I'm kinda hoping we can smoke some of these guys out! Avalon thought. The idea of fighting a Corruptor was scary, but they were eager to test themself.

"First things first, we find Tatiana and Imani," Storm replied grimly. Even though it was standard for either the leader or deputy to stay while the other fled, the ambush was so sudden that Imani broke protocol, refusing to leave her wife's side. It was a dangerous and selfish decision, but Storm couldn't say that she didn't understand. Again, this is why I refused a position of power in Southwood.

That was part of the reason Gale was so envious of Storm going on the investigation north. Even though he was the camp leader, he had to stay behind to compensate for Imani and Tatiana. He was getting a massive influx of soldiers, and even extroverted Cody was getting overwhelmed.

"Once we received intel from them, they can dictate our next steps," Storm continued. "But I'm betting that even though we're coming with all our best, it likely won't devolve into combat." It was unsettling; the Corruptors disappearing as quickly and completely as they'd come. No one was naive enough to think that they would never attack again, but the totality of their escape into the ether was concerning, to put it mildly.

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