Sole Survivor

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The next time Princeton saw light, it was glaring at him from a ceiling. Does it have to be so bright?!

He winced, but his eyes were already closed, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open them. Panic gripped him, but exhaustion quickly set him free. Before he knew it, he passed out again. He continued this vicious cycle several more times before finally staying awake.

"Ah. Good. I was wondering when you'd be up." A curt but kind voice was the first thing that greeted him.

CM Lisa Lockewood! He finally pried his purple eyes open. He sighed in relief; the lights weren't too bright this time.

CM Lockewood was in the middle of changing his bandages, working briskly, but even though her expression was severe, as soon as she felt Princeton stir, a genuine smile spread across her face. Decades of experience as a surgeon—and the Chief Medic of Southwood, no less—meant that she knew how to be friendly and accommodating to frightened patients, even though her natural disposition was far sharper.

"W-wh-what...? What happened?" Princeton struggled to sit up and paused when a wave of dizziness washed over him.

CM Lockewood's smile faded. "The ambush of Westcliff. We won, but the main section of the mountain caved in and... took all the other Gifted with it." Except you, sole survivor. She was never one to beat around the bush, but she watched sympathetically as Princeton's face went blank.

I'm sorry, what now? Every Gifted? Dead? Inside the mountain? But how was that even possible!? Surely at least one other of them escaped! How had Princeton even escaped!? His mind raced, but everything was blank.

"That's normal." CM Lockewood nodded sagely. "Trauma can cause the brain to shut down, or to repress memories from the conscious mind."

Princeton deflated, and after a moment, heaved a shaky sigh. "Do I even want to know how long it's been?"

"Three and a half days."

"What?!" Princeton jerked up again, but because CM Lockewood had anticipated such a reaction, she already had her hands on his shoulders, preventing him from rising too fast and disturbing his injuries.

"Yes," she muttered grimly. "From what I understand, as soon as the mountain began to collapse, everyone panicked and rushed for the exits. Can't say I blame them. I would've done the same! Of course, many soldiers were quick to inquire about the Gifted, and a few of them even tried to go back for them, but by the time the collapse reached the surface, it had already devastated the middle of the mountain."

In the days to come, Westcliff assimilated into Eastvale as Northplain had into Southwood, although a handful of soldiers from every war camp returned to Westcliff to aid in the rescue attempt.

Princeton at last sank back into bed, eyes wide and unseeing. Half a week... No food, no water, no light, no air...

And that was assuming they survived the initial attack and subsequent collapse.


Several more days passed, and still little progress was made in the way of rescuing the Gifted. The added challenge was ensuring that no other soldier was neglected in favor of them. The Chief of Lastland, of course, led the rescue efforts, allocating resources carefully across every war camp. Not only did Westcliff and Eastvale need added support in light of the most recent battle, Northplain also still needed to be monitored, and although Southwood carried the capacity of two war camps, that didn't automatically mean they were better off.

Gale was one such Southwood member that joined the growing team in Westcliff. This left Luciana to bear the full burden of leading Southwood. Tatiana and Imani also split, but unlike Gale and Luciana, they agreed up a rotating schedule so that they both were able to assist in Westcliff's cause, and Southwood's. It also ensured that Luciana was never entirely on her own.

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