Out of the Darkness

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"Come now, Princeton, you're making me nervous with all your pacing and jittering!" CM Lockewood remarked, calm and cool as she worked on another patient one bed over. Despite what she said, she didn't look or sound nervous at all.

"Sorry," Princeton muttered. He didn't sound any sorrier than she did worried. What does SHE know? HER son is fine! It's not like she's the one whose mentor and fellow apprentices are all trapped beneath literal tons of stone!

But I am familiar with loss, CM Lockewood thought, eyes darting over to the young apprentice. Although it was true that her son was alive and well, CM Lockewood had had a relationship with Iris and Avalon too. She'd been the camp's Chief Medic the entire time they'd been in the army, and Iris in particular was someone she was close to just because of Iris' friendship with Aces. There were also the late Clover Eves and Peter Graham, best friends of Iris' and old apprentices of CM Lockewood.

While CM Lockewood eyed Princeton with compassion, he continued to stew. He wasn't just mad at her, but everyone and everything! And he felt so useless! Despite his swift recovery, Gale and CM Lockewood had both extended his stay in the Medical Center, and he knew exactly why.

They don't want me running off, trying to save Iris! he thought bitterly, scowling, arms crossed. The first time the topic was brought up, he'd merely gone to Cody, politely asking if he had permission to join the rescue operations of Westcliff, but he declined the request.

A day later, she reported that Gale had requested for him to stay in the Medical Center a few days longer.

"I am sorry, Mr. Cross, but Gale and CM Lockewood—and Storm—have given their judgements and recommendations and they are all in favor of you staying at Southwood. I understand that you want to help, and I have no doubt that you feel guilty that you cannot do more, but I promise that you are helping just by being here!" She was insistent, but Princeton didn't believe her for a single second.

You're just glad I'm staying out of everybody's way because you think I'd be a giant liability if I was more involved! Princeton scowled at her, but only when she wasn't looking. He was brave enough to advocate for himself once, but he didn't think he could do it again. And note to self, never trust Gale again either! I thought he was a cool guy, but no. I guess I'm the idiot for putting too much faith in a camp leader!

Princeton could still hear Gale's voice over the sound of the rampaging Corruptors in his mind. "They're only trying to look out for you, son!"

Well, when am I going to get to look after them?! In fact, shouldn't Gale, of all people, understand that?! Isn't that why he's over at Westcliff rather than back here at Southwood?! But while Gale was perfectly happy exercising his leader privilege to do whatever he wanted, and stay at Westcliff as long as he pleased, he barred Princeton from the same. I get that that's how leaders work, but it freaking sucks! The hypocrite!


When Princeton could bear it no longer, he threw himself into Gifted training with renewed vigor, pushing himself harder than ever before. It was also the only chance he had to get away from CM Lockewood, since even she could not force him to stay inside the Medical Center every single second of every single day if he was well enough to walk and run. Instead, he had mandatory check-ins every morning and evening.

Now, I have no idea what I'm doing here, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work even if I did, but I have to try SOMETHING! He exhaled and held his hands out in front of himself, feeling thoroughly like a fool. After several seconds of silence, time spent trying to psyche himself up, he waved his arms through the air as if he was a conductor, slow and careful. Nothing happened. Man, I'm an idiot! Good thing no one was watching.

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