The Right Side of the Mountain

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"I'm never letting you go again," Storm whispered as she kissed Iris' forehead, sitting at her bedside, their hands intertwined in Iris' lap. I came way to close to losing you down there...

"Oh, Storm, you'll never truly lose me." Iris squeezed Storm's hands, purple eyes apologetic and teary. Of all the hardships she endured, looking into the mournful eyes of her wife was one of the most painful and frightening, but also the most rewarding. It was only a few seconds, but Iris saw a lifetime of grief in Storm's expression. It was a bullet so narrowly dodged.

"Well, consider it... an occupational hazard." Iris tried to joke, but there was no humor in Storm's eyes. Iris' softened again. "I'm sorry," she whispered, squeezing Storm's hands for a second time. "I love you."

Storm tensed up, then she nodded once, slowly. "I love you too." And Iris couldn't hold back a smile.

She says it so smoothly and effortlessly for one who doesn't say it often. She felt her heart skip a beat. It skipped several more when Storm leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips.


In the days to come, the rest of Westcliff was slowly shut down, the Medical Center saved for last. Professionals from all over Lastland came to help, and relatives of the liberated Gifted came along for the ride.

I knew it would be like this, but I didn't think it would be this bad... Iris thought in embarrassment as she buried her face in her parents' shoulders and wept as she never had before. Even with Storm, the tears weren't so pathetic and loud.

Conveniently, Storm had an excuse not to be present when Mae, Lester, and Rusty arrived, but they tracked her down after they were finished with Iris, and force her to endure as much coddling as they smothered on Iris. Rusty maintained a respectful distance and only gave Storm a polite nod, but Mae and Lester were far more... overt and physical with their affection. The only reason Storm tolerated it was because they were Iris' parents. She and Iris weren't the only ones flooded with visitors, though.

"So, you finally found your Gift, huh?" Pearl crossed her arms and smiled fondly at her little brother.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner!?" Priscilla butted in, shoving Pearl aside to be the first to reach her older brother.

"I was a little busy saving the world," Princeton deadpanned, smirking.

"Now, now, Priscilla behave," Darton agreed, he and his husband finally catching up to their children.

"Daaaaad! I'm just saying that if he found out so long ago, he could've at least called!" The nerve of him! Priscilla pouted, arms crossed.

"Priscilla." Nik's voice was firmer, and Priscilla quickly shut up.

"We're both so proud of you, son!" Darton brought the mood back up, turning his beaming face upon Princeton.

"Thanks, Dad, Papa," Princeton chuckled embarrassedly. He was both relieved and disappointed when they were finally shooed out of the Medical Center. Pascal did their best to give family members as much time as possible, but the medical staff needed space too. The only non-Gifted allowed to stay at Westcliff, even after everyone else was sent home, were the Mapp family.

Northson and Southlynn aided in the final stages of the evacuation plan while Eastla, Aces, Westford, and Zero divided their time between aiding the other war camp leaders and deputies, and visiting their friends.

"Long time, no see, shortie," Aces teased Iris gently, ruffling her curly, brown hair.

"Just like the good old days, eh, Aces?" Iris teased back. If Aces had been shorter, she would've reached up and ruffled his hair as well. "I'm glad to hear that Eastla's been taking care of you," she added playfully. Eastla was standing a few feet away, and when she heard Iris call her name, she met the other woman's purple eyes and smiled. Before she could offer a witty comment of her own, though, Zero came bursting in.

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