All Hail

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It was a time of tumultuous transition, and hopeful expectations of new beginnings. Westcliff and Eastvale had to adjust to living together just as Northplain and Southwood before them, and a close eye was maintained on every known Corruptor tunnel.

"I think it's safe to say that ours is... a nonissue," Pascal smiled dryly as they and the other war camp leaders discussed the dangers of free-roaming Corruptors. Even though the Gifted did an excellent job of killing as many as possible before sealing the main entrance to their main tunnel in Westcliff, it was still impossible to verify if every single last Corruptor was dead or not.

As such, the war camps were forced to contend with the fact that even though they likely would not see head or tail of any Corruptors for the foreseeable future, if any of them did escape, it might be a threat further down the line. Pascal worked with Eastla and Westford to develop a more advanced and sophisticated tracker that could detect traces and DNA left behind by Corruptors. The device was able to scan land, air, and sea within a 500 foot radius of the device, but it was still in its earliest stages.

Repairing the war camps and soldiers were also top priorities. Tatiana, Imani, Gale, and Cody were a powerhouse quartet, not only continuing to lead their joint war camp, but offering aid to the west and east as they created their own joint war camp. They also stayed connected to Lastland, Maxim, and the Chief through Cody. Patrols cycled in and out of the north and west, just to make sure that no new tunnels popped up, and that the old ones were no longer inhabited.

The war camps focused heavily on military strategy and resource mobilization; however, it was also a time of great celebration. The Gifted had been rescued, and even if they failed to completely eradicate the threat of the Corruptors, the victory they did obtain would be good for at least another several years. That gave them plenty of time to prepare while the hypothetical enemy would barely be surviving.

And of course, there was also the monthly Soldier Ceremony. For Princeton in particular, this was the most exciting celebration. It was also a month overdue. He'd actually finished training the previous month, but of course, hadn't wanted to attend his ceremony with all the Gifted trapped inside a mountain. Now, though, he could enjoy it in full!

Tatiana and Gale officiated together, having taken turns in the past. On a night as momentous as the first Ceremony after the Gifted rescue, though, it was agreed that they would share the privilege and honor of facilitating.

"Apprentices, soldiers, and friends!" Tatiana started the speech.

"We are gathered here tonight, on this most extraordinary of nights!" Gale continued, taking a slightly more theatric approach. For a moment, Tatiana's eyes widened in surprise, but a second later, she was grinning, more than happy to feed off of Gale's energy.

That left their deputies to watch them with smirks hidden politely behind hands. Cody and Imani shared knowing smiles, both deputies having grown quite close in their few short months working together. Tatiana had a hotter temper than Gale, but as Storm would've said, Gale still had her beat in the department of stupidity and childishness, as evidenced by his theatrics during the Soldier Ceremony.

Once the opening remarks were finished, though, the Soldier Ceremony took on a more serious tone as every apprentice was called forth, both individually and then as a group, to swear themselves in as official Southwood or Northplain soldiers respectively. Princeton was called up last.

Unsurprising. He gave the crowd a nervous smile, straightening his back with a gulp as he stepped forward, but rather than being addressed by Tatiana or Gale, Iris stood up and walked over to him as well.

"Before he is officiated as a soldier, I would like to thank Princeton personally on behalf of everyone for all that he did for us in the rescue operations at Westcliff. Even though he was under strict orders to stay home and rest, he refused to let something like that stand between him and his fellow Gifted. Now, as his mentor, I can't say that I condone what he did, but..." She trailed off, purple eyes sparkling, and the entire dining hall chuckled softly. Even the Northplain soldiers knew of all of Iris' trials and tribulations during her apprenticeship.

Lastland's Last Stand: The Prince's AscensionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя