Hogwarts Express

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"James hurry up, we're going to be late!" Ginny yelled up the stairs at her oldest son. "One minute mum calm down" He yelled in answer.

After a few minutes with Albus nervously waiting and Lily growing more and more impatient, there was a thumping on the stairs and James appeared dragging his trunk along behind him.

Once they all got in the car (which had been magically expanded) there was an awkward silence which James broke by asking Albus which house he wanted to be in. "Gryffindor of course," Albus replied confidently but then shrunk down in his seat silent once again. Harry and Ginny shared a look before pulling up outside Kings Cross station.

"OK, everybody out." commanded Harry and held Lily's hand in the busy station with the others following close behind. When they reached the wall between platform 9 and 10 James ran ahead and passed through the solid wall with ease.

"You next Albus," said Ginny. Albus took a deep breath before breaking into a run and closing his eyes as he entered the platform. Ginny, Harry and Lily followed and saw the two boys waiting for them on just past the barrier. "Bye guys, see you in the Christmas holidays." James said as he saw one of his friends and got on the train.

Ginny spotted her best friend and sister in law Hermione Weasley and went over there with Lily. "You ready Al?" Harry asked him whilst patting him comfortingly on the shoulder. "What if I'm in Slytherin?" Albus blurted out looking intently at his father. "Is this what's been bothering you all day?" Harry wanted to know. Albus said nothing but slowly nodded his head. "Albus Severus Potter, you are named after two great wizards and one of them was a Slytherin and he was the bravest man I know." Albus still wasn't happy "but just say that I am a Slytherin?" He questioned. "Then Slytherin will have gained an amazing member and anyway the sorting hat takes your choice into account too." Harry said seriously.

Albus cheered up considerably and said a rushed goodbye to his parents before boarding the train and finding an empty compartment with James and Rose.

Soon a pale boy with blonde hair came in and asked to sit with them. "Sure, what's your name?" Asked James politely. "ummmmm, scorpius Malfoy." he said and prepared for them to tell him to go away. "cool well, I'm James and I'm in third year and these two first years are Rose and Albus." James explained quickly and soon they were all talking together.

The journey passed in a blur of talking, reading and playing exploding snap. When they realised that they were only five minutes away from school they hurriedly changed into their robes and put away their belongings as they pulled up at hogsmeade station.

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