past Shadow appeared

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"So yeah that's all our powers. so can you explain, how does your powers work raven?" Jacob asked.

"Well..."raven begin nervously and looked at Damien to make sure that it was okay to say it.Damian notice her eyes was on him and tell her that she could tell everyone and she didn't need it to be worried about it because from now on she was a part of this team and she was also a family.

Raven raven smiled and started"okay so first I should begin with what am I I am raven and let's say I am empathetic demon more like half demond and half human"

before she could continue her story she was rudely interrupted by Max screaming "wait, what? you are a demon? how is that possible?

"Will you shut up and let her talk?" said Damiana getting facetrated by his out burst.

"Okay okay but you guys have to tell us everything and also have to answer our questions... because we are puzzled okay? and also l am really interested. is all demons look like that? because... uhhhm..."

"Shut up already"Damien yelled at a Max because he wasn't shutting up.
after that Damian turn to raven and told her sweetly to go on with her story. Raven mutley nodded her head and continued.

"Yes I am at demon but not full demon just a half demon and my story begins with my father Trigon..."

And raven told everyone her identity and how did she present her father in a crystal. As others listen to her they had more and more questions about everything. After raven was done telling everyone her story chuya had a questione"so... um... Your mother slept with Satan?!" "that was uncalled for!!!"said Katie." So as you"said chuya knowing that he had won the war and not even bothering to hide his big smile.

"Oh... Damn!!! chuya 100 point, Kaite 98 point! hcuya won yes! yes! I win m************"said max excitedly screaming and clapping his hands as raven watched confused and others start to boo chuya and Max.

Reaven:"What's going on"

Damian: "well a few weeks ago we were bored and we didn't had any job so they made a bet and I'm pretty sure you already guessed what the bet was"

Raven:"ya ya I get it know"

Tara:"are you guys done now?! I have a question"

Max:"oh yeah I have a question too!"
So I'm going to begin so...
that's how demons look like ?you look like a human. I thought the demons had the horns and red skin and tail and..."

He was interrupted by a raven who explained herself"well I am half human and a half demon so I am now in my human form which is my real form but I also have a demon form. and yes demons to have a red skin and horns but they don't have any tail and also they have four eyes.

"Wait, if demons exist, does that mean that, that vampires and werewolves actually exist to?"said chuya with a look "I am freaking out guys can you guys help me out here".but to his relay for reven said "no, they don't exist."


Damian was driving a car beside him I was reven fast asleep. They were going back to home when some guy jumped in front of them and Damian almost hit him. car stopped by inches away from the guy who had a very weird necklace around his neck, and his face was covered by his hoodie. raven instantly woke up and asked Damien to what was going on and why did he stopped the car, until she noticed the guy. And her face turned pale. Damien quickly noticed and asked her what happened, when she said it's his aura I seen it before. There is no doubt about it he's... Before she could say his name the guy start to talk and said"well long time no see my dear friends how are you, are you okay, I mean you seem like you are seeing a ghost. what did you really thought I died. But don't worry I don't keep any grudges. I'm here to tell you that I found out who is your father and I am going to kill him but first i'm going to take all the years I need to be immortal. I'm going to give you a hint so it will be fair game your father is living in a gothame and he is really famous everyone knows his name well see you in gothame."and with that he disappeared in the woods.


First of all I want to apologize that I didn't post it for really long time and I am so sorry okay I am so so so sorry.

Okay...tell me guys did you like this update and if you guys want
ships and like that please type it in the comments thank you all and I'm really sorry I didn't updated earlier

And if you guys have a question like there is no titans you said it and now you are going to the gothame?! yes I did said there is no titans but I never said there wasn't going to be any batman or bad kids. I adore them!!

Damirae(☞^o^) ☞

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