it's time!

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"And then he run away I tried to catch him but he was too fast."said Damian as if he was thinking about something.

"Okay Damien thank you for this information, but I think you should stay in the tower right now, well... Because he knew where you guys were going so he might know where you live and it won't be really good if you guys  go to your house right now, and you guys need to rest"said Jacob always a worried expression.

"Yeah besides we have tons of rooms and our tower is a literally huge like it's bigger than teen titans tower end did you see teen titans tower?!"Katie was trying to cheer everyone up

"How can you guys be so calm about this. He's using stolen amulet and dark magic to use this amulet to gain  people's remaining lifetime, and don't get me started on his real powers. besides he's killing bunch of people. we have to catch him before he kills over a thousand people's.  he knows that we exist that means he can tell everyone our existence and we should be hidden organization we can let him tell anyone about..." Said Damien before he was interrupted by Jacob.

"Okay okay we get it! Now listen first we have to know for sure if he is going to the Gotham so we going to wait here and if there is any trace of him being Gotham  we will go immediately  to catch him we don't know for sure if he is bluffing or not. you are staying in this tower do you hear me you aren't going anywhere you have to stay here we are worrying about you."said Jacob with his hands up.

"Tt. fine I will, but we have to start searching for him right now"

"And we will. don't over think it man"said max with worried expression on his face."

"Okay then let's get started."said chuya.


"Hey demian are you okay?are you still thinking about zach's words? "reven stopped when Damien suddenly stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him hogging her. reven looked up at him and met his gaze as she was adout to say something but Damian said first."habibi don't worry,I'm fine it's nothing,I just don't understand how zach is alive,it doesn't make sense,I saw how the whole building collapsed on top of him and we even sew his body, this fact makes me wonder how,just how?!so many questions,but no answers.I understand you and I don't expect you to just forget what just happened..."before reven could say anything,Demian pressed his lips to hers and before they know it,they wore already kissing.

Reven wrapped her arms around Demian's neck and  moved closer to him, causing Damian to lose his balance and fall onto the bed,Reven followed suit and their kiss was broken.they both laughed and continued kissing,at that moment chuya ran into the room and shouted,

"We found zach!!!  Wait?!  What the hell?!at least locke the door when you guys do that"

At that point Reven's and Demian's faces were as red as tomatoes.

"We shouldn't need that! first of all you need to knock before burst into the room you moron!!!" Demian siad with his normal face now but with red ears. Before any of them could say anything Reven coughed and turned their attention on her.

"It's not important, now what did you mean when you said 'we found Zach!'

"Yes we found Zach, come on,this is interesting."

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