Gotham city 🌆

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"I brought them"chuya said.

"Someone tell me what happened" said Demian with an irritated face.

"Well we find out that zach was telling the truth,he really went to Gotham!"side Jacob with proud look on his face.

"And how did you conclude that?!"side demian raising his eyebrow.

"Let me talk Demian! Oh my God, I can't believe that I shut Demian up!!! Did you guys see that?! Was it just my  imagination huh...?!"

"Stop acting like a child, Jacob, you've got a job!"

"Miss Samantha?! What are you doing here?!"said Jacob shocked to see her.

"I am here to let you guys know that you guys going to the Gotham. I am sure that all of you  already know the crime that happened in gotham.

"What crime?!"Demian said confused  and raised an eyebrow.

"That's why chuya called you two. The same crime happened in gotham with the same handwriting as Zach's..."Jacob was interrupted by miss Samantha.

"That's why you guys need to go to Gotham to find out if zach really did it, but we're not sure about his motives,so Damian,Terra, Chuya and Reven will go to Gotham city to investigate,while the rest of you stay here and investigate crimr that zach did here and find similarity to make sure that it's Zach who's doing all this. I've already prepared a private plane that will take you guys to Gotham. get ready kids! And Raven, before I forget,here's a hide's card for you now there's only million dollars on the card that should be enough to buy whatever you want. Everyone here has such cards..."

Raven hesitantly take the card and examine it. the card was black, in front card had golden writing's but in back card had golden hide's symbol on it.

"T...thanks"Raiven mumbled.

"It's my duty. And welcome to hide!" said Samantha with warm smile.


Damien was sitting on the plane, he was worried about something and everyone noticed even chuya so Raven decided to talk to him.

"Damian what's bothering you?"Damien took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair and then exhaled.

"I just haven't been to Gotham in six years and I haven't seen my father..."he sighed and continued"you know I haven't told anyone who my father is. I wonder who he and everyone is Alfred, Dick, Tim, Cassandra, Kathy, and even Jason... To be honest I miss them Raven."

"Who would have thought that Damian al gul, grandson of the great Ras al gul, would miss someone?!"Raven giggled"you know if you want you can see them don't have to worry about that..."

"You are right. If I want to I'll visit them,and I will."said Damian determined


It was already evening when the plane landed. They all got out, took their luggage and went to the hotel booked by Samantha. the hotel was huge and you could get lost exploring it.they were soon placed in their were big and every room had a separate bedroom with bathroom,a kitchen and living room.

When they settled in their rooms, they unpacked their luggage. Some time later they all gathered in Demian's room to talk about the case.

"What now?"said chuya

"Today we will rest and tomorrow we will go to the police and report to officer Gordon that we have arrived."said Damian

"That's good, I am so tired that if I put my head on the pillow, I'll fall asleep right away."said tired Terra

"I'm like that too."said Reven

"As I see,we are all tired,so let's rest."

"Good! I have to go somewhere so..."Said Damian and folded his hands.

"Where?!"said Terra raising a eyebrow

"I'll just go for a walk, that's all."

"Well then, good night!"

"I'm out of here..."said chuya and left the room with Terra.

"Damian where are you really going?"

"My old home Reven"


Soooooooooo what you think 🤔
I hope you guys like it and if you guys have some ideas for this Story
Tell me in a Comments so yeah 👍 that's it goodbye 😊

Demirae (☞^o^) ☞

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