《Chapter 10》

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Sylvee followed Niki as she walked in front of them, while Schlatt, Jack, and Alyssa carried Clay, George, and Tina along behind them.

Clay and Tina were the only ones who noticed Karl being carried by Phil in his arms because George hadn't been able to view his surroundings clearly before he completely passed out.

Even though Tina was far away from Karl, she yelled, "Karl!" and reached out to him, but Schlatt only kept her arms at her sides.

"Good thing your friend here was so easy to talk to." Phil laughed and took Karl somewhere, as Sylvee followed him.

"No!" Tina cried out in protest, as Schlatt held her and even tried to scratch him. "Please, let him go!"

Schlatt became enraged by her behavior and firmly shoved his hand over her lips and nose to stop her from babbling, "You stupid bitch."

Tina fainted in his arms after he placed his hand over her mouth and nose for long enough to hear only muted dialogue.

When Clay noticed him following Phil behind him as they took Karl and Tina together, his breathing became erratic.

Alyssa, Jack, and Niki made a sharp turn and began walking in the opposite way as he suddenly felt moving.

Karl and Tina could be seen gradually disappearing from Clay's sight as he could see over her shoulder.

After a few minutes of walking, Schlatt and Phil practically threw Karl and Tina into the dark, empty room where they had been before.

To decrease their chances of escape once more, they both made sure to secure some heavy cuffs on them before they left.

Schlatt was the first to leave the room when they both exited, leaving Phil there as he stood in the same spot. He locked the room after taking the corresponding keys for it.

Clay noticed them turning suddenly and proceeding to an elevator. Niki was still holding his backpack in her hand and stood with Jack and Alyssa.

As soon as she pushed a button, the elevator went up. When they came to a floor and stepped outside, Clay noticed a garbage can in front of him and watched Niki throw his backpack inside before covering the lid.

With Clay doing nothing, but growing apprehensive about where Niki was sending him and George, they started walking once more.

Niki made a small turn to the left and unlocked a door. Jack and Alyssa followed closely behind her, and Clay was taken aback to see that they were standing in a substantial, somewhat dimly lit room with just one overhead light.

Clay had been staring at the two metal tables in front of him for much too long, as well as the various tools and equipment on trolley carts and tables that were out in the open, before he realized he was being pushed down on one of the metal tables.

He began to scream loudly, as Aylssa forcefully tied his restraints to the table while holding him there. Jack did the same with George, but he was able to finish it with ease because George was still unresponsive.

Niki continued being oblivious to his shrill cries, as she awaited for Alyssa and Jack to be done.

Niki held the door open for them after they were finished, and Puffy, Hannah, and Phil waited outside that room.

The three of them entered the room while switching places with them, wearing blue scrubs and latex gloves, though Niki hadn't yet locked the door.

While she left the room and wasn't back for a bit, she let Phil, Hannah, and Puffy grab something from a large table next to Clay and George.

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