Chapter 4

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Mabel can't really feel anything. The screams echo in her head. Dipper came into her cell "Mabel" he whispers. "no.. please Dipper.. What else can you do to me? I can't.. take it anymore. Please" Dipper goes to hug Mabel. She smells something. It makes her hungry. Her mouth begins to water. "What's that?" Dipper looks at her. "Bills tired of torturing you guys. And frankly, I am too. We're letting you guys go. He's invited you to Dinner, I have no idea what he'll serve you" He looks behind him. "But I brought you some actual food before he forces you to eat whatever he wants you to" He chuckles and pulls out a plate full of some mouth-watering Ribs .

Mabel shakes her head. "It has to be a trick" She taps on him. "Wait." Dipper pauses, "Hm?" "Did you give some to Stan and great uncle ford?" She lifts the plate "Give it to them." Dipper stares at her. "I'll take some to them. But you need to eat too" He smiles while taking some meat to the stan twins. Mabel hesitates to eat the food but she can't remember the last time she had actual food. She takes a bite and before she knew it she finished the plate. Mabel hears someone walking to their cells and hides the plate. It's Bills henchmen, they lock them up in chains and walk them out.

Bill's henchmen come in with Mabel, Stan, and Stanford . Dipper nods his head and they unlock their chains. "Sit down, family! Dinners about to be served." He says with his hands out. They all sit and Bill comes in. "The main course is taking longer than usual. Enjoy some appetizers, Grab Anything! I insist" After the plate of ribs Mabel trusts Dipper. She leans toward Stan and great uncle Ford, and whispers "It's ok, it's edible" She grabbed the first thing she saw. While everyone else started rushing to eat everything while Bill and Dipper ate slowly watching them devour the Buffet.

"Everyone!" Dipper stands up. "Save space for the main course!" Mabel looks back and freezes. "I hope everyone likes it" As a hooded man sets down the plate. Mabel drops her fork. "Roasted Pig." On the plate was a pig. Killed. Cooked. and cut. Mabel stares at the eye and notices a very similar spot. One she recognizes as if.. She knew this pig. And that's when it hit her.. Her breath shakes. "Where's the other half?" Dipper smiles. "Well.. we had to give you guys Something." Mabel's eyes widened. "No." as her tears fall. Dipper smiles wide as Bill calmly grins "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" She screamed at bill. "Hey Shooting Star! I did nothing." He smiles. Mabel gasps "NO! YOU KILLED MY PIG" Bill looks at her and smiles wide, "Don't look at me." Mabel's eyes widened. She turned to Dipper cutting into the roasted pig. "Come on Sis." He picked up some of the meat with his fork. "Enjoy the food. I worked very hard to prepare this" He moved the fork closer to her mouth. "Eat some. You already ate the other half" as his eyes widened and his smile grew.

Mabel Grabbed the knife next to him, her breath still shaking. She lunged towards Dipper with the knife. He moved so she'd miss. Dipper used his powers to fight back. Throwing plates and fire at her. She got hit but quickly shrugged it off. she ran toward him, closing her eyes and she heard a slice. Mabel opened her eyes and gasps. She cut into his left eye. As Mabel saw the blood on the knife she dropped it and began tearing up. She fell to the ground "I'm sorry Dipper I didn't mean to" She cried but then, immediately stopped. She heard laughing. Dipper laughing. He slowly looked up at her with his bloody sliced eye. "Good job Sis." He said smiling.

Mabel stared at him in horror. She knows. He wasn't her brother. Not her sister. This. Was a true monster. The Dipper she knew would never hurt her the way he did. The dipper she knew would never kill waddles. Every speckle of hope she had. Disappeared. He's not her family anymore. She knows who the real enemy is. Bill stood up and walked slowly behind Dipper, he put his hand on his shoulder. "I do have to thank you Shooting Star. If it wasn't for you he wouldn't belong to me. Thank you for being selfish, even toward your own Brother." Bill hands Dipper a triangular eye patch with a pine tree in an eye on it. He smiles " We'll have tons of Fun" Mabel's tears begin to fall without her even knowing. "I lost my brother... I lost everything.. No. He stole everything. He stole my brother from me." 

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