Chapter 8

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Mabel, Stan, and Stanford walk to the mall. Avoiding everything. Once they get inside they quickly hide in one of the stores. Stan lights up a broken piece of wood for light. Stanford goes off to find a first aid kit. Mabel stays looking around at the store, and smiles softly. Stan looks at her and asks "What's up kid" Mabel picks up a piece of debris. "Isn't this a video game store?" Stans smiles and nods, wrapping bandages on her arms and helping stanford with his wounds. "We can hide in here for a while." stan jolts up "A while?" "Yeah. Mabel wants to save us. We'll think of a plan and-" "NO!" Both Mabel and Stanford stare at stan. "No. We almost killed ourselves saving my brother. And almost died saving yours. I'm not going to save anyone." "Stanley."

"No ford. Everytime we try saving someone. we get hurt. You got hurt. I got hurt." Stan paused. Almost teary eyed. "Mabel got hurt the worst. and I refuse to let anyone else get hurt."

Stanford was at a loss for words. Mabel stood up. "Stan. Please. I want to come back here. I want Gravity Falls to look normal." Mabel begins to tear up. "We have to save this place. Please. Help us defeat Bill and Dipper. If we do.. Maybe Dipper will remember who he is." Stan, as stubborn as he is. Refused to say he'd help but Mabel knew that he would. Just then, they heard a noise. "Grab anything." they hear footsteps echoing off the empty walls.

Stan and Ford grabbed the first thing they could get their hands on, and covered Mabel, trying to protect her. As the steps slowly creep closer they take a stance ready to fight once they see this person. The sound begins to sound so close and they start walking towards it. Once the steps stopped they ran toward wherever they heard it. They stopped as the mystery person screamed.

Getting a better look at this person they all look at one another in confusion,as this person quietly uncovers his hairless head, and goggles, blending into the background. Looking around at the abandoned mall. "I-I have news."

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