Kyle- march 10th

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Fine, I'll write about what happened. Idc.

How does wanting oreos after school lead to your entire life getting ripped apart? Beats me, but apparently it can happen. And of course, of all the fuckwads in my town, it happens to me. Kyle. Matthew. Broflovski.

Spit. Thats what i woke up to the day it happened. It was a whole big deal in the eyes of my parents, because ike spit in my face this morning. He just loves to piss me off before school starts. mom and dad ran around the house arguing over how to "nicely" punish him. Really, i didn't care. Ike is cute enough to not be mad at. I just washed my face off and put on my clothes, like any old morning. I think that's what sucked the most, the fact there was nothing different about the day before the incidents began. If i hadn't made that one mistake, nothing would have changed. History, bio, math, english, the whole day was normal, up untill i got home and tried to eat my oreos, which werent there. I was honestly more upset to know ike took my oreos then i was when he literally spit in my face this morning. those were my last ones,and I even told mom i wanted to eat them. Oh well, no big deal to me.

But right here is where i fuck up-

I wanted to ask if stan still had some at his house.
I knocked on his door the way i always did, 4 times. Pause. 4 times. A longer pause. The door opened, and i saw stan. At first glance i thought he was crying, or maybe drunk (again) but honestly he looked like... hurt.. dude. I would have figured that wendy dumped him again, but they broke up months ago because she said stan wasnt putting enough effort in or something. I was struggling to find a source for stan to be so upset, because i know damn well if it was his dad yelling at him again i would have heard it from my room. I mean, after all, he is my neighbor. On days like those i would already be at his window waiting for him. But i wasnt at his window, i was at his door, and he had this look like i betrayed him or something. That fucking prick. Well anyways, He started to talk, slowly and restricted, untill he really let loose and just started screaming at me about so many things that I couldn't even get out a response. I remember he called me an asshole first. Stan told me i was selfish, stupid, that i would be alone forever, that he never wanted to see me again, that i ruined his life... he said i was heartless and everyone i know would leave me.


I was so shocked and angry by what he said, and the way i never knew what i did to piss him off, and that i could hear in his voice the passion with what he was saying. He meant it. This was so much, coming from my best friend. Stan pushed me out of the door. I was angry, so i tried to push him back, but he was way stronger. Probably drunk again. Anyways, i dont rememeber the fight much. He took my shirt, he kicked my nose.. and the rest is a blur. Im covered in bruises. I do remember one thing though... stan wasn't just angrily fighting me, he was also crying. Tears streaming down his face as he beat my ass. I don't even get it, dude. What could have been so wrong with him? Was there really something i did to betray our friendship? Anyways..
He slammed the door, but even as i ran home i could hear him banging up his house. Dad was shocked to see me all beaten up. I never told anyone who did it, or that anything happened between me and stan, even though I've been interrogated by mom and dad so many times. They haven't got the nerve to ground me, but i havent had any kindness from them either. All i hope is that nobody finds out what happened.  I haven't gone to school these past few days, i made up a story about getting the flu and hoped nobody would dig in further. So far, nobody figured anything out... i think... . I haven't spoken to any of my friends, and im scared to see how they would react, if they knew. I'm scared to see anyone, because it isn't going to be the same as it was with stan... nobody was a friend to me like stan marsh was my friend.

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