Prologue: Starvation

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I woke up in a cold sweat. My entire body was hot, my peripheral vision was slightly red. I let out a gasp for breath, but my breathing was short and shallow. I tried to think about anything, but all that I could think of was one thing. Food. I got up clumsily, because only having two legs is something you never quite master, and made a run for the theater. I shoved aside Green (yeah, it was cruel of me to push aside the blind guy, but hey- I literally couldn't think at the time!) and ran inside, tearing  a curtain on accident on the way in.

I tore the rest of the curtain down, before rushing over to the bowl marked "Cyan" and feverishly  devouring the stuff that was practically dog food. Not that I cared at the time- it enabled me to think for myself again, and the red faded from my vision. As I sat down, I heard footsteps approaching from behind me. Turning around, I saw Red. 

"Ah, hello, Cyan," he said. "I'm glad you've eaten your fill, though I'm surprised you got in here before I did. No more flashes, I hope?"

I narrowed my eyes and growled. "You're the reason I get the flashes! You made me! So stop pretending like you care!" I took a step towards Red and flicked my tail.

"Woah, easy, Cyan!" Red said. "You're the only one who I'm letting eat today, so you should be grateful! A bus of students has... arrived here, and nobody else will eat until they're gone. So why don't you be a good girl, and head on over to OddWorld with Yellow, alright?"

Red's words only infuriated me more. "I'm not your pet," I hissed, "and you are turning us all into monsters! You are the one who will be killing those children!"

Ignoring me, Red went over to the feeding station and began scooping out the food into bags. In a quick act of defiance, I grabbed a small mouthful of food before heading down the ramp and out the theater. I shuddered in surprise as a cool arm suddenly made contact with my face. I should be used to this by now, I thought, before turning around to greet Green.

"Oh... sorry, Cyan. What's going on?" Green asked.

I restrained myself from letting out a laugh. I did feel sorry for him, honestly. "A school bus is heading towards our facility. That means either we're all heading over there, or Red's gonna have them come here."

"Does... does that mean food?" Green asked hopefully.

"Umm yeah!" I replied, not wanting to make Green feel upset. I was a little nervous, though, because none of them would eat for a long time- or they would eat the children. Red only cares about feeding Orange every now and then, and I would never never never harm Ted (that's my favorite ladybug). Ted probably wouldn't make a good meal for anyone, anyways, but I've made sure to take cautionary measures to keep him safe from Orange just in case.

"Well, guess I'd better get going then," Green said.

"Alright Green, see you later." I waved my tail at him, not that he could see it.

He walked towards the door and smashed his face into it. I winced, but he just turned around and smiled at the wall. "There's a door here," he announced. Then he opened it and walked down the hallway.

I speed-walked towards the locker room, and quickly unlocked the locker farthest from the door. Glancing inside, I sighed with relief as I spotted Ted, munching on some bugs from a log that Yellow had given me. Yellow was remarkably shy, but deep down he was just such a sweetheart. He had a big heart, and just was scared to show it sometimes.

"What are you doing?" A voice behind me asked.

Blue. "Nothing!" I said quickly, whirling around. I shut the locker door with my tail as I faced Blue. He looked at me with his eye narrowed.

"Cyan, are you hiding something from me?" He asked. He moved closer to my face, and I shrank back against the locker. His breath was in my face, and it was disgusting. "What's in that locker, food?" He growled. "That would be very selfish of you, Cyan."

I tried to push him away with my tail, but he ignored it. "S- stop it!" I protested in a mumble (not wanting to give him the food in my mouth or swallow it).

"Just tell me what's in the locker, and I'll leave," Blue said. "Maybe I'll take whatever it is with me."

"Never!" I growled. Blue shoved me into the locker, where the lock jabbed painfully into my back. I let out a hiss of pain.

"Stop it, Blue," a voice demanded from the doorway. My hope soared. Yellow!

Blue turned around. He looked at Yellow, then looked at me. He muttered something under his breath before walking out the door, pushing past Yellow.

I held my breath for a couple seconds before I starting breathing again. "Yellow!" I exclaimed. I wanted to run over to him and give him a nudge (my version of a hug) but my body instead decided to collapse onto the ground.

"Cyan, are you alright?" He asked. "Blue seemed like he was giving you a rough time."

"I'm fine, now that you're here," I replied. "Here- sorry that it's a little slimy, but it's all I've got right now." I opened up my mouth and dropped the food onto the floor.

Yellow looked at me happily. "Oh, Cy! Thanks so much! I could kiss you!" I gave a start, and Yellow's face turned red and he put a wing over his mouth. "Gosh. Well, I wouldn't actually... I- I'm sorry. It's- it's an expression-"

I felt sorry for him, my little shy friend who stood up to the big guy, so I just laughed, even though I still felt slightly awkward. "Don't worry about it, you're hungry. Just eat up."

 I suddenly heard growls outside. It was Blue- he was walking towards the front area. Growling like a monster. I almost felt sorry for him, but it was a little hard after what just happened. I hoped he was the only one for now. Then the speaker crackled, and I knew what came next.

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