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I was kind of growing concerned when I found Mason. Cyan had disappeared, Winter had likely been captured, and Mason had never... appeared. It didn't help that the power went out tonight. I was wondering where everyone else was (and also hoping Mason wasn't one of the dead classmates) when someone whispered to me.

"Y/n! Over here!" A voice hissed. Peering down, I saw a crevice in the wall near the Theater. Inside the crevice was Mason.

"Mason?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

Mason shrugged. "Hiding, I guess. It's the best way to stay alive."

I decided to break down things to Mason. "Winter has probably been captured by the Rainbow Friends. There is a Rainbow Friend named Cyan who was helping me earlier, but they got her too."

Mason nodded. "I've been able to see these creatures this whole time. I think they took Winter down somewhere below the the ramp to your left."

Suddenly, the speaker crackled. Winter's voice came through. "Y/n! Mason! If you two are still out there, get out of this place as soon as you can. Red's going to be back soon now that I'm blasting this everywhere in the facility."

So she had been captured. I glanced at Mason with a worried expression. Cyan's voice came onto the speaker.

"Don't leave yet!" Cyan said. "Or at least, get a lot of help! Red has been testing children for so long just to find someone who he can turn into a friend. A friend for himself. Winter needs help! And, um...I do too. But mainly Winter!"

"From the direction you all went earlier, I'd have to assume that Cyan disappeared somewhere on the other side of the theater. I think we should check it out," Mason said.

I helped Mason out of the hole and Mason took some time to stretch. I heard a faint sound, growing louder and louder. It turned out to be a propeller. Was someone here to rescue us? But no, it was a rainbow friend I hadn't seen before. I shoved Mason into the hole and put the box over my head.

"You know I still know you're there, right? Yellow asked. "Any of us that would straight up eat someone would have seen you hide. Luckily, I'm in my sane state for now. Did you two see Cyan anywhere?"

"Yes, I did." I said. I removed my box as to not make this conversation more awkward than needed 

The propeller spun and Yellow jumped up. "You did?" He asked excitedly. "Because she never went to OddWorld earlier. Where is she? Is she okay?"

"About that," I said hesitantly, not wanting to anger this creature.

Yellow narrowed his eyes. "Did you do something to her?" He took a step towards me and tilted his head.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I think the Rainbow Friends took her, although I'm pretty sure only Green and Blue were out at the time. I don't know why, though!"

"I know who took her. Red!" Yellow growled, turning away. He turned back toward us. "Humans, I could use your help. I'm sorry, I never learned your names."

"I'm Mason," my friend said.

"And I'm y/n." I said.

Yellow dipped his head. "Nice to meet you two, though I wish it was under different circumstances. I'm Yellow." I think I know where they took her, follow me."

As we were walking I decided to try to make some conversation. "Why are your names all your colors?" I asked. "No offense, but it doesn't seem very original for any of you to do that."

"Don't blame us, blame Red," Yellow replied. "And Cyan does have originality- she named her pet ladybug Ted-" his eyes suddenly widened. "We need to get Ted! It's been a few days since he's eaten. I'll be right back." 

Yellow flew off, leaving me and Mason staring at each other. "I guess Cyan likes ladybugs," Mason said with a shrug.

Yellow flew back and landed, carrying a ladybug in his... claws? Hands? Wings? Whatever they were. "Sorry it took me so long, I had to fly outside to find some aphids for Ted."

"And you did all that when?" I asked.

Yellow continued walking before ducking under a few planks ironically marked with "No escape."

"I did that just now, why?" He replied.

"Never mind," I said.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry," Yellow said. "It was the only way to get her back."

"What was?" I asked. Then I heard Mason's scream from behind me. I turned around, but Mason was gone. I looked down and noticed the wet floor we had been walking on. I had enough sense to look up, just before the hands reached to pull me into the ceiling.


"Hello. I see you're finally awake." 

I opened my eyes and saw someone who looked like a scientist in a business suit, except for the fact that they had a weird ball with googly eyes instead of a human head. I was in a small cell. I didn't know what had happened until Red opened a garage door and the Rainbow Friends came out, except for Cyan- and including Yellow.

A second door opened and Cyan stepped out. She had some sort of mechanism on her legs preventing her from running. 

"Y/n!" Cyan exclaimed. "And... I'm sorry, but I don't know your friend's name. How did you get here?"

"Well, um... Yellow kind of tricked us," I said.

"What!???" Cyan hissed, turning towards Yellow. "Why would you do that? I'm y/n's friend!"

"Cyan, I only did it to save you! Red said it was the only way."

"I'd rather you saved them , then turned them in for me. That's manipulation. Don't be a monster, Yellow." Cyan began to whisper. "Don't be like Red."

Yellow covered his face and backed up.

"And I'm not leaving without Mason, y/n, and... the other student," Cyan said. "And Red, somehow I think that these creations of yours will be happy to eat well tonight."

Orange turned to look at Red. Blue tilted his head menacingly and grinned. Red held up his hands. "Fine! Fine! Go and never return. The rest of you will have a large meal tonight!"

"Hand her over. Now." Cyan demanded. 

"Don't get too upset," Yellow warned. "Red experimented on her already." Red pressed a button, and a female version of himself walked out of a chamber.

"Take Scarlet with you," Red said cruelly.

Monster: A Rainbow Friends Commission Story w/ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now