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I felt slightly guilty about the incident, and so I decided to try to help the other... teenagers? I think they were too old to be considered kids or children, although there was a wide range of ages. Even though what happened was awful, at least it meant Blue wouldn't be as vicious towards the... the students for a while. Probably he'd only become vicious again in a couple days.

In the downside (besides the death of the kid), that meant Red would be sending Green out next.  Red was speaking on loudspeaker to the students, telling them to rest well. I decided to follow suit. I closed my eyes and let the light fill the doorway, then the room, until I was surrounded by a bright light.

"Sounds like Green is awake," Red said over the loudspeaker, which was kind of obvious. Then again, none of these students had probably seen Green before. Checking the calendar, I found that the day was June 2nd. It was weird and slightly infuriating how Red made us celebrate "Independence Day" while we were still imprisoned at his facilities.

I waited for the student to enter the room again, realizing that I never asked for their name. The doorknob turned, and the student walked in, carrying a girl in their arms. Upon seeing me, she looked terrified. She jumped onto the ground and then winced, before backing up slowly, limping on one foot.

"Don't worry, I'm better in the inside than the outside," I reassured her, causing her face to flush.

"I'm sorry," the girl said, "I didn't mean to be rude, it's just that..." she trailed off.

"That there are two other monsters searching for students to eat and you thought I was one of them?" I guessed.

"Yeah. Sorry..."

"Cyan," I answered. "What happened to you, by the way? If you don't mind my asking."

The girl narrowed her eyes. "I was trying to save the bus driver when the bus exploded, sending me flying back. Y/n took care of me earlier. My name's Winter, by the way."

I tried to give her a compassionate smile. "I'm sorry, WInter." Then I turned towards y/n. "I hadn't known that was your name! It fits you."

Y/n smiled. "Thanks Cyan!" y/n replied. "Alright, what's the plan?"

"How much does your leg hurt, Winter?" I asked. "Would you be able to practice using crutches today?"

"I... I can try, if you can find me some."

I nodded. "You should stay in here until I can come back. Rest up, and be careful. If Green or Blue enters, just hide in a locker. I don't think that you'll be able to put a box over your head in time for Blue."

Winter smiled and gave me a salute. "Aye aye, captain," she said.

"And y/n, can you help me find or make some crutches? Finding the rest of the food packets will only push Red to release Orange as well."

Y/n nodded, and I cautiously opened up the door. "The coast's clear!" I whispered. "Let's beeline it for the workshop- follow me!" I ran through the theater and shoved some kid aside. "Trust me kid, you don't want to finish getting those food bags," I told him. "The monster that eats them is scary."

The little kid yelped and ran off. Right. Into. Green's. Arms. Green instantly began stuffing the kid in his mouth. The glow around his head faded, and he turned (kind of) towards me. "Cyan!" he said angrily. "What's the big deal, you trying to starve the rest of us? You're supposed to be in OddWorld, anyways!"

"Sorry, Green, but I'm on a mission. I need to help someone!"

"No, Cyan, you need to help us. We're the ones who have been trapped here for as long as I can remember. And if you're helping someone, that means..." He suddenly opened up his mouth and let out a cry. "Blue!!!!!!!!"

"Y/n, run!" I exclaimed as Blue burst through the door. He let out a roar and began pursuing y/n. I tried to make a run for it, but Green firmly placed an arm around my neck.

"No, Cyan... you're staying right here."

I growled and, wobbling slightly, kicked him as hard as I could with my left leg, before turning around and running down towards the sewers. Judging by the way that y/n went, they would either end up down here, up by Orange's cave, or loop around to the theater. After a few minutes I saw Blue walking past me, without any sign of fresh blood (although there still was some from the kid that was wearing the hat).

"They got all the food packets, Cyan," he growled. "And it's all your fault."

I snarled in protest. "How's it my fault?" I replied angrily. Blue responded with his trademark "shove the weaker opponent into something pointy that hurts their back or neck".

"Because you're too sensitive. You ate already. Yellow won't save you now, Cyan," he purred, his rotten breath making me want to vomit. "Noo, Yellow's in OddWorld. Where he's supposed to be, just in case anyone escapes. Where you're supposed to be. But you decided to randomly break the script, leave your post. Red won't be happy."

The first rays of day streamed through the windows, making me feel slightly tired. Why, oh why were we made to be some weird form of nocturnal? Blue smiled, and Green stepped forward, holding some sort of rope in his hands.

"Sorry Cyan," he said, not sounding sorry at all, "But you can't ruin this for us. This is really the only main way Red lets us eat, and you're trying to stop us."

"I'm not the enemy," I growled. "R-" Green wrapped the rope vertically around my head, snapping my jaws shut. I no longer regretted shoving him aside earlier. Red used to shut my mouth this way, and I hated it.

"Good day, Cyan," Blue said, raising his crown above his head. I winced, prepared for what came next. He then swung the crown towards my face with all his might. And the light suddenly went black.

Monster: A Rainbow Friends Commission Story w/ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now