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I don't know what y/n was thinking right now, but if it's "Well Winter's a big scaredy-cat crybaby" then that's about to change. My leg still hurt on the third night (why were we doing this dumb stuff at night again?), but I decided to help out this time around. The weird thing is that I could't remember coming back into the room- maybe I fell asleep and y/n carried me in? I don't know.

Y/n approached me with a slightly worried face. "What's wrong?" I asked them.

"It's Cyan..." y/n said. "They took her."

I was about to ask who, even though I was pretty sure it was those rainbow themed psychos. Then the Voice came over the loudspeaker, the voice I didn't trust. "I'm sure you all must think you're so smart," the voice growled. "One at a time is too easy for you, I guess. Time for speed things up a little- I'm surprised that Orange left his cave. Maybe he smelled the food- and why are the vents leaking?

"Anyways- three of you are pretty smart. One is just a bully, and one is just helpless. Get fuses to power my machine. Then I'll let you go- I promise."

The door to the room opened, and y/n turned towards me. "Do you want to go, or stay?" Y/n asked me.

"This time, I'm coming too. You need to find your... other friend. I'll search for these fuses. I can deal with a monster or two if I need to- I've done it before," I smiled and nodded my head.

"Oh... alright. See you later then, I guess," y/n replied.

I picked up my handmade crutches and began walking towards the hallway. Glancing at a camera, I hissed, "I hate you," at it. An alarm started blaring.

"Looks like someone forgot to feed Orange," the voice said smugly from right in front of my face. I narrowed my eyes. Orange suddenly ran out of a door and made a beeline straight for me. Time to give up the act, I decided. I suddenly put my "broken" leg on the ground, snapped a crutch in half, and stuffed a crutch half in Orange's jaws right before it tried to snap them shut on my leg.

The creature gave a strangled growl of outrage, so I just smacked it into the water with my whole crutch. It began gagging, and I decided to leave it there.

"Everyone! Change of plans!" The voice from the camera roared. "If any of you see a girl with a crutch and brown hair, bring her to me! Eat everyone else!"

"Aaaoooowwwaaoooowwwww!" Blue roared. I ran through the next door and into the hallway.'

From somewhere behind me, Blue crashed through a doorway. He roared at the Orange creature. The Orange creature snapped a remark back in return, before I heard Blue's heavy footsteps approaching the hallway. I was about to open the next door when I heard the noise. Squeak. Squeak. Step. Green.

I whirled around. I didn't want to jump down to the sewers, because that's where all the bigger creepier monsters are in the movies. Sure, this isn't a movie, but there still are monsters. To play it safe, I followed Cyan's advice from the day before and entered the locker, slamming it shut just as Green's arm felt the locker door. I quickly tried to ease my breathing, putting my hand over my mouth.

"Where did she go?" Blue growled.

"I don't know," Green said. "I never felt anyone go by."

Footsteps approached my locker. Human footsteps, it sounded. Was a human controlling these monsters? "Did you fools really lose her?" The Voice said angrily. And the voice belonged to this person. I almost pleaded for them to let me go, but then decided that they might not be so kind. I was glad of my choice when they stepped forward and I saw his not-so-human head.

"Fools!" The person, who I now assumed was Red, said. He was peering into my locker. "She is literally in this locker!"

Shoot. I panicked in my mind for a second, until Blue peered in. "Ummm, you sure, Red? I don't see anyone in there. That's just a locker."

"And I'm blind," Green added.

Red apparently lost his patience because he yelled suddenly, and then yanked the door to the locker open.

"Oh shoot. Ummm, hi?" Red narrowed his eyes, so I smacked him good with my whole crutch, swung into the wall with my half crutch, then used the whole crutch again to shove Green's arm into Red.

"I've got her! I've got her!" Green exclaimed excitedly. I almost felt sorry for him.

Red knocked Green's arm away from his mouth. "It's me, you blind baboon!" He spat. "Blue, get her!"

I locked eyes with Blue for a split second before flipping over Green's head and entering an area with writing in the wall, spelling "ThIS Is wHeRe TheY WEre Made". There was a weird machine thing, and I wasn't dumb enough to hide inside it- just behind it. Sure enough, Blue walked right past me. He wasn't the brightest fuse in the machine.

After Blue turned the corner, I waited for a couple more seconds before cautiously continuing upwards. There was a little model of what looked like a forest, maybe the "Hemlock Woods" from the broken ride. There was some sort of weird fish tank, a portrait of... a random guy named Trenton with no title or anything, and Oswald D. Davis- founder of OddWorld. There were some tapes that supposedly were used for the Rainbow Friends Show.

I was so intrigued by the objects that the sudden alarm caught me by surprise. It meant that Orange was back up in his feet- and he was out for revenge. I started running towards the machine but realized I wouldn't make it in time, so I began running back up the ramp. There would be something I could hide in up there earlier, I was pretty sure. Maybe it was desperate.

You know that feeling when time slows down for a moment? And you either feel really great or have a nasty feeling about what's about to happen? Well that's how I felt when my bare left foot hit the sopping wet mess in the floor. I looked down and groaned- hadn't Red mentioned this? But the creature was already pulling me away from Orange and into the vent.

Monster: A Rainbow Friends Commission Story w/ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now