Chapter 4

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When I got to my room I ran to the bed and fell to it. Then it hit me. Today is that day I was supposed to graduate from high school.

I felt tears come to my eyes. This was not right.
I should be with my family and friends, not here locked up in this room.

I went to the bathroom grabbing a towel. I took my clothes off and jumped into the tub. I let the tears come to me and thought about everything.
Will I ever see Joon grown up? Will I ever see my mom and dad? Will I ever get out of here?

I slowly put my head under water with all the thoughts in my head. I closed my eyes and held my breath. I just want to stop thinking about everything.

I heard a knock at the door but I just let it go.I felt my head going light. My chest was hurting and my head was light. There was a Big Bang on the door and I popped up taking in all the air I could. I looked to the door and saw that there was a hole in it.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body fast as the door was kicked open. My head was still spinning and everything was weird.

When the door opened Mr. Jeon came running in. He looked at me with frightened eyes and ran to me.

"What the hell was going on in here? Why weren't you answering when they were knocking?" He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me to him. I was getting his nice suit wet.

"I-I w-was t-thinking" then I remembered what I was thinking about. I pushed him back and saw the confused look on his face.

"I was thinking about how I'm missing my graduation because of you" I hissed. I looked down and saw that I was only in a towel. I ran and went to my room and ran into my closet. I locked it and grabbed something to put on. My eyes stared to burn again with tears.

I went down to the ground and just stayed there.

"Jennie please open the door" Mr. Jeon knocked on the door.

"Just leave me alone." I cried. I heard a sigh from him "I'll be back by 6:00 for us to go out" and with that I heard his footsteps leaving my room.

I don't know how long I stayed in the closet for.i finally though that maybe I should just get ready. I haven't eaten anything in a while and my stomach was killing me.

I picked out a dress and did my hair and makeup

I put a pair of black heels on and grabbed a purse. I looked one last time at myself in the mirror before there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said turning around to see
Mr. Jeon walk in. He was dressed in a suit and his hair was put back like it was the first time I met him.

He looked at me up and down and I pushed some hair back with a blush.

"You look very pretty" he said making me blush more if that was possible.

"-thank you" I said looking up to him. His stare was something I couldn't figure out.. My hole body shivered. "Are you ready to go?" He held out his hand for me. I nodded my head and took i

He walked me down and out the door to a car.
We got in and he drove off. A few minutes later we pulled up to a restaurant and he helped me out.

We walked into the restaurant and I saw that we were the only ones in here. This place was beautiful and must be expensive.

We ordered and I couldn't look at him. I was still mad at him for doing this to me.

"Jennie look at me" he said but I didn't. "Jennie don't make me mad. Look up" he hissed. I did as I was told and looked to him. I narrowed my eyes at him and held my hands under the table.

"Why are you not talking to me?" Was he seriously asking me that?

"I don't know could it be the fact that you took me away from my family and friends? Or the fact that I won't get to graduate because of you?" He looked at me with no emotion.

The food was set In front of us and I looked to the waiter. He was cute definitely my age. He smiled down at me and I blushed smiling back at him.

"Go now" Mr. Jeon hissed to the waiter, looking at me.

When the waiter left I looked to him "what was that?" I asked but he didn't answer.

The rest of the dinner was quiet. When we were done we walked back out to the car. He wasn't talking to me. I don't know what I did but he is very mad at me.

When the car came to a stop I got out and ran to the door. I ripped the door open and ran to the stairs.

"JENNIE" the rage in his voice was there. I can still be a bitch back. I turned to him and crossed my arms. "Yes Mr. Jeon?" I asked sarcastically.



"My name is Jungkook." His voice lowered making me shiver.

"What do you want? Why are you so mad at me?" I asked lightly.

"Well because you looked at that boy tonight."
He got closer to me.

"Why would that bother you?" He stopped right in front of me. I stood my ground and looked down at him.

"Because he was looking at something that is mine." He hissed making me jump.

"I am no ones and you don't own me. I can look and be with whoever I want" I hissed back at him. I could see all the anger in his eyes. He grabbed my face and pulled me down kissing me hard.

I slipped from the stairs and he held me up against the railing.

Why was I not stopping this? Why did I like this?

"You are mine" he breathed into the kiss. I felt his hand go to my back and he pulled me closer.
I pushed onto his chest but he would not move.
He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN" I screamed as he took me up the stairs. I started to get really scared at what he might do. He walked into the room I was in when I woke up and threw me onto the bed. I tried to make a run for it but he stopped me.

He grabbed my hands and tied them together with his tie. He tied me to the bed and looked down at me.

No this can't happen! I pulled my legs to my chest but he pulled them back. I tried to kick but he got on top of me and held me in place. I started to feel the tears fall out of my eyes. Why was he doing this?

He brought his mouth down to my neck and stared to kiss me there. I squealed when he got to my weak spot.

"Found it" he said as he kissed me there again, this time biting me. He came back to my face and looked down at me. He slowly brought his lips to me and kissed me. There was something in me that liked this. The way he took control of me and his lips. They were so good at making me feel good.

I moved my lips with him and felt his hand at my back pulling me into him. I could feel something poking on the inside of my leg and realized what it was.

"Your only mine. UNDERSTAND" he hissed leaving my lips. I nodded my head and he got up off of me. He looked down at me and I squirmed under his stare.

"I think I will leave you like this so I can come back to you when ever I want. This way I know that no one will look at you like that again." I got scared I pulled on the tie but it was really tight.

"Jungkook please, don't do this" I pulled on it again but still nothing.

He grabbed my face and pulled me to look at him. "I like it when you try to fight me. And I can tell that you like it when I take the lead" my face went pail. Was he in my head?

"I can tell by how you kissed me" he smiled down at me.

"Get a good night sleep. I should be back tomorrow morning" he kissed me again pulling on my lip making me squeal. He let my face go and walked out the door leaving me tied to the bed.

"JUNGKOOK" I screamed to him as I heard his footsteps get farther and farther away from me.

"Get me out of this" I said pulling once again.

When I heard nothing for what seemed like hours, I some how got under the covers. I let my eyes fall and let sleep consume me.

My Mafia Man (Jenkook)Where stories live. Discover now