Chapter 18

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I woke up to Jungkook's chest in my view. Not a a bad thing to wake up to. I looked up to see that he was looking down at me.

"Did you sleep?" I asked concerned. "Not really but it's all good." I sat up and looked down at him. He had dark circles under his eyes.

"What's wrong? Why haven't you been sleeping?" He pulled me closer and put his head on my legs.

"I don't know just don't want to." I played with his hair to calm him down.

"Jungkook please just go to sleep it's not good for you." He looked up to me. "I don't want to close my eyes. What If something happens to you" I placed my hand to his face. "I'm not going anywhere. Please just a little bit?"

"If you stay with me then I will" I smiled and nodded my head. He put his head back on my lap and I played with his hair. Soon I heard the sound of his soft snoring and it brought me piece.

I sat there for almost an hour just playing with his hair and listening to his heart beat. There was a knock at the door and someone walked in.
I looked to see Mr. Jin.

How long has he been asleep?" I looked back down at Jungkook who was still sleeping. "Close to an hour."

"He didn't want to stop looking for you. He really cares for you. More then the girl that you heard about yesterday." I looked back to him

"Who is this girl? What did she do to Jungkook that made him punch his own father?"

"Well number one his father had that coming for a long time. And the girl well. let's just say she was a bitch." I giggled because that's the first curse I have heard him say. I'm surprised that he talked this much to me.

"She wanted him for his money and because he was the biggest mafia prince. She then left him when she found a new guy."

"So she's a gold digger?" He chuckled and shook his head. Jungkook moved a little and I looked back to him.

"Well when he wakes tell him that his father wants to have a big dinner with all of you tonight. Wear something nice." I nodded my head and watched him leave.

I went I get up but he had a good grip on me. I giggled and brought my lips down to his ear.

"Jungkook it's time to get up" I softly said.

"Ah five more minutes." I giggled and nibbled on his ear. I heard him growl and he lifted me up setting me on his lap. I squealed when he picked me up and started to laugh.

"What's so funny" he laughed looking at me. I could not stop laughing for no reason. He grabbed my face and held it in his hands. We both were laughing now and we didn't know

When we had stopped I looked up to him.

"Your father wants to have dinner tonight. All of us" the smile that was on his face left really fast.
Jungkook picked me up and put me on the bed. He went into the bathroom and I followed him.

"Look I know you don't get along with him, but why don't you give him a chance?" I asked leaning on the door as he looked in the mirror.

"You can't give my father second chances." I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Well if you can't do it for him. Do it for me." He looked down at me and I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Ah come on you know I can't resist you when you do that." I giggled and jumped up kissing his cheek.

"Good now you get ready for the day and I'll go make some breakfast." I went to walk away when he pulled me back to him.

"'What if you get a shower with me?" He smirked down at me. I blushed and pulled back.

"Jungkook get ready by yourself." He rolled his eyes.

"It's worth a try." I giggled and walked out of the room. I went down stairs and grabbed eggs, bacon, and pancake mix. I started to make the food.

Two arms went to my sides and I smiled. "You were fast." I turned around and jumped when I saw who it was.

"Um I'm sorry. I thought you were Jungkook"

"It's ok I'm his father though." The man smiled down at me making me feel weird.

"Well I'm Jennie." I put on a smile.

"Call me Chanyeol." I moved to the side and tried to get out but he still caged me in.

"Well um Chanyeol could you please move a little for me." He smiled and picked up his hands. I went and moved the bacon with this guy still in the room.

"So you are with my son?" I looked over my shoulder at him and saw that he was watching me.

"Yes I am" as soon as I saw Jungkook walk in I felt better. He smiled at me but then saw his father.

"Good morning son" his dad said with a smile.
Jungkook ignored him and went right to the cabinet to get a cup for his coffee.

"Anyway I hope you and your girlfriend will come tonight. We are having dinner at one of my restaurants." Again Jungkook said nothing.

"We would love to." I felt Jungkook's eyes looking at me. Chanyeol smiled at me. "Good then I'll see you tonight." When he left the room I went right back to cooking.

I felt two hands go to my waist and pull me into a hard chest.

"Your lucky I'm doing this for you." Jungkook hissed into my ear.

"Don't be like that or I will not give you breakfast" I heard a growl and I giggled when he left me. He sat at the table and watched me cook.
I put the food on a plate and gave it to him. I put some on a plate for me and sat next to him.

"I smelt food so I came" Jimin said walking into the kitchen.

"There's some bacon over there" I pointed to the side and watched him run to it. Mr. Jin came in and got some two.

"Nice bacon" Namjoon walked in and took a peace of bacon off my plate. I got up and grabbed his hand.

"Do not eat my bacon" he looked at me and smirked.

"What are you going to do about it?" He put it to his mouth and took a bite of it. I twisted his hand behind him and heard him cures. He brought his head back hitting mine. I let him go and he started to run. I ran after him and jumped on his back. He went down and I held him down.

"Where is it" I asked when I saw that it wasn't in his hand. He smiled and I got man I went to punch him but someone lifted me off of him.

"You took my bacon. You're not my friend." I pouted when Jungkook put me back in my Seat.

I crossed my arms and sat there. "God who would have thought that the girl loves bacon."
Jimin said and I glared at Him.

"Alright well we have to go do some work. I'll be home tonight to pick you up." Jungkook got up and kissed my head putting his plate in the sink.

"Jennie I'm sorry" Namjoon said. I gave him the death stare and he threw his hands up in the air laughing.

I will get him back for that. I will..

When the boys left I went and got ready to work out. I went down and stared to work on the bag.
When I was done I went to get a shower. I would have went for a run but I can't put to much pressure on my legs.

Now it was time to get ready

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