Chapter 8

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Namjoon above

For two weeks I have not talked to Jungkook. Me and Namjoon have become closer and we train a lot together. I never realized how much I missed this though.

Me and Namjoon were down in the gym training for the 3 time today. I was working on the punching bag with my gloves on.

I thought about my family


I thought about that night I got taken away from them.


I thought about how I fell for Jungkook.

Punch... kick

I thought about how he hurt me.

Kick punch

I thought about how I still feel for him.

Punch...punch...punch. Jump backwards kick


"Who pissed in your cereal Today?" Namjoon asked from across the room. He was sitting watching me.

"No one I just got a lot on my mind." I took of my gloves and grabbed one of the sticks on the rack. Namjoon got up and grabbed one for himself.

"Don't you want to take a break?" He asked. If I stop I will be left with my thoughts.
I lunged foreword with the stick and he blocked it with his.

"That was sneaky" I giggled and pushed him back. I brought the stick around my back and tried to hit his side. He stopped it and hit my backside with the stick. I jumped and grabbed my butt.

"That is so not fair" I hissed. He chuckled and it gave me the time to hit him in the side. He recovered quickly and brought his stick back.
He took a swing at my head knowing that I would duck. When I came back up he went to hit me but
I blocked it with my stick.

I went to hit him but he grabbed my stick and pulled me to him. I looked up and him and saw him smiling down at me.

"You know I like the way we are right now." I looked and saw that we were chest to chest. I went down and swept my leg under his making him fall to the ground. I put my stick up to his neck and smiled down at him.

"I like the way we are right now" he rolled his eyes and I let my stick leave his neck. I helped him up and we put our sticks back. I grabbed my water and sat down.

"So tell me. Why are you pushing yourself so much?" He sat next to me.

"I just missed this that's all" he narrowed his eyes at me like he didn't believe me one bit.

"What I do" I hissed taking a sip of the water.

"I know it's not. It's about Jungkook isn't it?" I looked down at my hands and played with

"It is I can tell. Why are you so upset?" I sighed and looked up to him.

"It's not only him. It's happened to me before where a guy said dating me was a mistake. I trusted that guy and I thought I was going to be with him forever. He helped me in a bad time and was there for me. When I thought everything was fine he told me on my 17th birthday that he doesn't want to be with me" I laughed and got up.

I walked over to the bag.

I jumped up and around and hit the bag.

"I used to do a lot of fights. One night at a party a friends brother was there. We hit it off, and at the time I had gotten in trouble with my school.
I never really did any of my work and would never show up" I punched it not caring that I hurt my hand.

"He talked me into going back to school and even helped me. We also became closer to each other. We started to date and I thought that everything was going good. Then I found out he only wanted to get into my pants and to help his sister with the fights we were in. He thought if he got me to stop then it would bump her up." I punched it three more times.

"Everyone lies" I punched it again and again.

"JENNIE" Namjoon pulled me away from the bag and I felt tears go down my face.

"People tell me things that they don't mean and then they take them back." I cried and Namjoon pulled me to his chest.

"I let Jungkook in and he told me the same thing my ex said. He said that it was a mistake. If it's a mistake than why won't he let me go!" I cried.

"I'm afraid there's more to it then you think
Jennie." I pulled back and looked up to him.

"Like what? What is it that everyone is not telling me?"

He sighed and I saw all the hurt In his eyes. "I can't tell you that.. believe me you don't want to know." He pulled me back. "But I promise that I will look after you."

I smiled at him and wiped away my tears
"Thanks Namjoon" he put his arm around my shoulder. "Any time" I giggled and we got up.
We walked up the stairs laughing and talking.

We walked into the kitchen and I got an apple.

"So wait you ran away with the Fried chicken?"
I giggled. Namjoon had said one time him and his friend were fighting over who got the last peace Of fried chicken and he ran with it.

"Yeah I ripped it right out of his hand and ran. I almost ran into a door trying to take a bite of it." I looked at him and we both started to laugh.

A girl walked in and went to the refrigerator.
She was only wearing a men's shirt and looked like she had just gotten up. I wonder who's room she came from.

"Um do you guys have any coffee?" She asked looking back at us. I took my apple and walked out of the room. Namjoon can help her I'm not staying here.

I walked up the stairs and went to turn when I got to the top, but I bumped into something and I almost fell back. An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into something hard. I looked up to see Jungkook staring at me.

"Sorry" I said. He let his hand fall from my back and he went back to fixing his tie. His hair looked like he just got up.

"Your girls down there asking for coffee may want to go help her" I walked past Jungkook but he called me.

"Jennie what do you mean?" He looked at me like I had two heads.

I giggled and turned back to him. "Oh you know the girl you just slept with. The one that's in the kitchen wearing your shirt." He stepped closer to me.

"Why would that concern you?"He narrowed his eyes to me.

"It doesn't just thought you would like to know." I turned and ran to my room. When I got there my phone started to ring.



"Joon are you ok?"

"Yeah I just miss you. I wish you were here."

I felt my eyes burn."yeah I miss you too buddy.
How was your game?"

"It was good I made two touchdowns!"

"Joon!! Good job I'm so proud!!" I got to talk to my mom and Dad as well. They both really just asked if I was ok and told me that they were trying to get me back. The rest of the day I just stayed in my room. I didn't want to see or hear from anyone

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