Chapter 9

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It was the next morning. I woke up at 5:00 and decided that it would be a good idea to go for a run around the property. There was a big fence around the house so I'll just run along that.

I put my ear buds in and went down stairs. I went out side and stared to run. I ran for an hour then I went into the basement to work out there.

When I got down I grabbed some tape and my gloves. I walked over to the bag and put the gloves on the ground. I looked at my knuckles that I had messed up yesterday. They were red and hurt me, but not even that will stop me from working out right now.

I pulled the tape around my hands. When I was done I put my gloves on and got ready.


I looked at the bag and tried to calm down. I kicked it and started to jump around and punch.

I heard some one come in but I didn't look up. I just thought it was Namjoon because this is the time he always comes down.

"If you don't stop your going to brake the bag" I stopped and looked to see Jungkook. He was was not in his normal suit and tie. He had sweatpants on with a cut out shirt.

I looked back to the bag and continued to do what I was doing. He walked over to the bag that was like a human and did a spinning kick and hit him in the face.

"Alright let me kick your butt now." Namjoon came running down the stairs. He smiled at me but then he saw Jungkook. I ripped off my gloves and grabbed two sticks. I threw one to him and we walked over to the bigger mat.

He brought his leg under me but I jumped up in time and brought my stick down. He blocked me with his and pushed me out. Our sticks hit each other when we tried to hit each other.

Namjoon brought the stick down and it hit me right in the shoulder. I winced in pain and moved back. Namjoon went to go after me again and this time he knocked my stick out of my hand.

He smirked thinking that he had won. I ran and grabbed his stick when he tried to hit me and pulled it to the side. With my leg I kicked him in the gut and he went down to the floor. I pushed him down and got on top of him putting the stick to his neck.

"Come on every day?" Namjoon cried. I giggled and he took the chance to get on grab the stick and roll me over so that he was on top of me.

"Hahahah I did it" he teased. I watched as he was pulled off of me and I got up. Jungkook threw him to the side and I just sat there looking shocked.

He started to punch Namjoon while he was holding his shirt.

"JUNGKOOK STOP" I cried getting up and running to them. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him back. He dropped Namjoon and I ran to him. I put my hands to his face and saw that he had a black eye and a bloody lip.

"Oh my god Namjoon Are you ok" I held his face in my hands. And watched as he hunched over spitting up blood.

I turned to Jungkook and got up pushing him.

"You bastard you almost really hurt him." He gave me a harsh stare I picked up the stick next to me and pushed it into him all the way to the wall.

He grabbed it and pushed it back to me. I got mad and turned it over and hit him in the side.

He pushed the stick up till we were chest to chest and looking down at each other.

I let it go and backed away from him. I grabbed the towel that was on the side and helped Namjoon up.

"Don't worry I'm going to go up and clean up."
Namjoon wakes up the stairs and I was left with Jungkook. I went over to the bag and stared to punch and kick at it. I saw little bits of red on the bag but didn't care.

This was how I would train some times. I would block everything out and just hit and kick. I kept doing that till the pain in my hands.

I wince in pain and stepped away from the bag.

I un rapped the tape on my right hand to see that

I was really bleeding.

I grabbed the towel and wiped it away. "You know that's not good right" I glared at Jungkook when he said that. He was now at the punching

"No I didn't know that having blood come out of you isn't good" I hissed. I sat down and stared to take the tape off of my other hand. This one really hurt me badly. When I unraveled it I saw that it was really bad. I grabbed my water bottle and poured some water on it.

"Let me help" Jungkook walked over and grabbed my hand. I pulled it back and narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm fine just go back to what you were doing."

"Jennie don't be like that jut let me help you" he tried to grab my hand but I pushed him.

"Stop trying to help me. You don't care about me and you just hurt my friend." I grabbed my things and got up.

"You think I don't care?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"Jungkook stop. You did this. You wanted this to happen." He looked so confused. "You know I had a boyfriend like you before" I laughed very dryly.

"He said those same words to me right after I wouldn't give him what he wanted. You broke everything I had for you. Now MOVE" I tried to push him again but he didn't move.

"Did you really mean what you said that night?"

"Yes I did just like you meant everything you said." I looked up at him and saw something in him change.

"You want to know why I did what I did to Namjoon?" I nodded my head yes.

"Because he touched what is mine" here we go again with this.

My Mafia Man (Jenkook)Where stories live. Discover now