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Jennie and jisoo sat on their seat. Jisoo sat near the window in the front row while Jennie sat behind her in the second row since the seat beside jisoo was already owned by someone else. And Jennie didn't mind that at all.

Soon the class got crowded with students. And every students who entered the classroom would stare at Jennie and then crane  their necks to gossip about her. Jennie wasn't really caring if it was something negative until she heard a student behind her.

"I know right. She's freaking beautiful and cute"

Enough kind words to make Jennie blush and smile. At least she got to know it wasn't negative at all. The words made her straighten her back and put her into a fresh and good mood.

The seatmate of jisoo arrived and sat on her seat after taking a good look of Jennie. Soon she started talking with jisoo with curiousity. After a few seconds jisoo turned around to face Jennie. She leaned closer and whispered to her. "Girl! They all are asking about you. They're saying you're too beautiful"

"Where's the lie tho?" Jennie confidently asked as she flipped her long hair.

Jisoo chuckled and turned her head back to answer the questions of the students about Jennie.

The whole class wasn't wrong. Anyone could fall in love with Jennie. That's what happened exactly in YG. Boys and girls fancying her and always confessing to her. She was too tired there without her best friends. Without the advice of her best friends to be exact.

She never brought up this topic to her friends because she was never of the type to brag about these things and show off. Her personality was kind and sweet. On top of all, she had beautiful and attractive cat eyes. Perfect nose and cute lips.

The reason why all the boys would always crave for his beauty 24/7. Her friends even witnessed older and younger girls crushing over her whenever they would go somewhere. But Jennie never said 'yes' to anyone yet. She always wanted to initiated. She wanted to fall in love first and take her first steps to confess. Because she always thought people confessing to her are only impressed by her beauty.

She wanted someone to live her even in her worst. She wanted someone to fall in love with her personality and nothing else. But she thought those things are far enough and right now she only wanted to enjoy her life.

Enjoy her life with her best friends and live free and not being in a relationship. She wasn't interested in all of those things for now. Right then she only needed-fun.


Soon enough the teacher entered the class and put her belongings on the desk.

"Oh! We got a new transfer student!" She exclaimed as her eyes laid on jennie. Bringing Jennie out of her thoughts.

Jisoo turned around and mouthed Jennie to introduce herself.

Jennie abruptly stood and bowed. "Good morning. I'm Kim Jennie, the new student. Nice to meet you all"

"Nice. Take your seat" the teacher said. "You're here at the middle of  the terms. I hope you could catch up with the studies"

"I'll guide her ma'am" jisoo half-shouted making sure the teacher heared her.

She appreciated her kidney intentions and then started the lecture.

Jennie was trying her best to focus because of her dad's words but it would take her a little to change.

She was already spacing out.

Moreover the seat beside Jennie never filled. It was because the students were already in their spots. And nobody yet gathered their courage to sit beside the new student. They were sure doing their best to let Jennie have her time.


After the tiring first period, the bell finally rang, bringing Jennie out of her dreamland. How much she cursed herself when she realised she didn't even pay a little attention during the lecture. She was mentally face palming and slapping herself together. Jisoo moved towards her and nudged her shoulders to get her attention.

"Oh yeah. What class do I have now?" Jennie tiredly asked.

"You don't know yet" jisoo face palmed herself, "plus, you're already tired?" She added as she shook her head in disappointment and fear. She and her friends really didn't want to end up loosing Jennie.

They really didn't want Jennie to go to New Zealand and stay there. No matter what, they had to help her with studies. The only thing jisoo vowed to herself when she saw Jennie like that.

"I'm trying" Jennie grumbled. "Show me the next class"

"It's physic. Come with me"


Jisoo took Jennie to the physic class and guided her to sit in the front row.

"You're a big fan of front row" Jennie giggled.

"It isn't the case. Front row can keep you away from Taehyung" A reason for Jennie to roll her eyes and cross her arms. "He always takes the back seats"

"Whatever" Jennie mumbled.

"I'll be going now. My second class' Math" jisoo waved to Jennie but then turned around to say something to her again. She dramatically inhaled and exhaled making Jennie laugh.

Finally they bid their goodbye and jisoo left Jennie alone. Jennie wasn't nervous at all but was happy because as before, the students were again rambling about her beauty.

Some students even introduced themselves to her, asking her number too which Jennie gladly declined. Still not making them hate her though. They understood her. They thought she already would've been in a relationship. She was too beautiful to be single.

Suddenly the girls became exited when a boy entered the class. Boys getting a little tensed as they hurriedly took their seats.

Jennie craned her neck to take a better look. It was a really tall boy with blonde hair walking towards his seat at the back. As he sat on his seat, Jennie took a better look.

'is this why he got this many fans?' She thought when she noticed him having a really handsome face. He already assumed that it was the Taehyung.

Because she saw that how the girls started getting exited for him and how the boys got scared around his presence.

Jennie for some seconds stared at Taehyung. Admiring his looks. From his beautiful eyes to his beautiful lips. He was too intimidating. And was holding a poker face even if he talked to his friends or even if someone else was talking to him.

"I don't care. Personality's important" Jennie mumbled under her breathe, enough for his seatmate to hear.

"Are you talking about Taehyung?" He asked in curiousity. Jennie nodded. She really wasn't afraid of anything, not afraid that the boy could just go and tell it to Taehyung. She wasn't really caring about anything.

The boy chuckled. And Jennie looked at him, curious to ask something.

"Did you try to befriend him?" She asked when she remembered the cene before, that how the boys took their seat as Taehyung came in.

"Nope. I'm too young for him" He chuckled and jennie's eyebrows twitched in confusion.

"I mean he's been failing this grade, I dunno for how many times. He's apparently older than all of us. How old are you?" He asked Jennie out of the blue.

"I'm eighteen" she quickly replied

"Alright then. Taehyung's 20 i guess. He's too stubborn to pass this year too. He barely studies and focus on the lectures. Note, he's a Playboy as well"

Everything now came in place, making sense for Jennie. When she heard the last sentence, she realised what's the best thing to do; ignore. Ignore Taehyung because she didn't want to get herself into any trouble.

But would she really be able to control her anger too?

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