|Chapter 22|

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Luka Couffaine and (Y/N) spent a beautiful day together, exploring the streets of Paris.

As they strolled through the city, their first stop was a charming bookstore tucked away on a bustling street.

Luka watched with amusement as (Y/N) skimmed through the shelves, her eyes lighting up with each interesting title she discovered.

"Hey, Luka, have you read this one?" (Y/N) asked, holding up a fantasy novel with an intriguing cover.

Luka peered at the book and shook his head. "No, I haven't. What's it about?"

They began discussing various books, sharing recommendations, and laughing at some cheesy romance novels they stumbled upon.

However, things took a teasing turn when (Y/N) noticed Luka holding a dark romance book.

"(Y/N), look what I found," Luka said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

(Y/N) smirked and teasingly commented, "Oh, dark romance? Luka, are you secretly kinky?"

Luka's face flushed slightly, and he laughed, waving his hands in defense. "No, no, it's not what you think! I just thought it might be interesting."

Their banter continued as they left the bookstore and made their way to an arcade nearby.

Inside, they engaged in friendly competition, battling it out on shooting games, guessing games, and even racing against each other on driving simulators.

"You're going down, Luka!" (Y/N) exclaimed, aiming the virtual gun at the screen.

Luka grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, really? We'll see about that!"

They laughed and taunted each other throughout their arcade adventure.

Eventually, Luka's skills earned them enough tickets to exchange for a giant Snake plushie.

As Luka handed the plushie to (Y/N), he casually remarked, "Here, consider it a gift for enduring my fierce gaming skills."

(Y/N)'s cheeks turned a shade of pink, and she gratefully accepted the plushie. "Thank you, Luka. It's so cute!"

With their spirits high, they made their way to the food court, where (Y/N) insisted on treating Luka to a meal as a token of appreciation for the gift.

As they sat at a cozy table, (Y/N) opened up about her current source of stress-the story draft for the upcoming school play.

"I've been working on this story draft for days, and I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed," (Y/N) admitted, her brows furrowed.

Luka listened attentively, a comforting smile on his face.

Sensing (Y/N)'s apprehension, he scooted closer until their shoulders touched. "You know what? I'd be happy to help you. Let's brainstorm together."

(Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat as she felt Luka's proximity.

She couldn't help but steal glances at his handsome features, feeling a growing fondness for him.

Yet, she couldn't ignore her lingering attachment to the superhero Viperion.

As Luka started discussing relevant ideas for the musical play, (Y/N) found herself caught between admiration for Luka and her uncertain feelings for Viperion.

She couldn't deny the connection and comfort she felt in Luka's presence, but she also felt torn, unsure of how to navigate her conflicting emotions.

Luka and (Y/N) sat together, deep in discussion, trying to fine-tune their ideas for the musical play at school.

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