Chapter 3 - Nevermore

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Wednesday cursed, rising off of Amber and standing, kicking her to get her to stand. They sighed and put their hands up, glancing at Amber as she grinned at the cop and winked.

"Quit it." They hissed, teeth clenched in frustration. They looked at the small collection of cops, some having already entered the building as they stood there.

"We're surrounded, we'll go willingly." They announced, allowing one of the human pigs to approach and cuff their hands. Someone did the same to Amber and she laughed, whispering a teasing compliment to the cop that held her hands behind her back.

They walked side by side and were forced into a police vehicle, the two leaning into each other in the back of the car.

"Keep patient, let them do whatever they need to. If you're convicted, just wait for me. Do you understand, mi maldita diosa?"

"Yeah, I get it." Amber laughed quietly, closing her eyes And sighing.

"I love you Wends, I'll see you on the other side." She kissed their cheek, smiling at them despite the growing pits of dread in both killers.


They in fact did not see each other on the other side of the law. Wednesday had gotten free with court ordered therapy and legislative demands to stay on the grounds of Nevermore, a powerful school for outcasts that had even stronger alumni.

Amber wasn't so lucky, being charged with months in Juvy as she was both a minor and was convicted of maiming the swim team. Oddly, fish was a great legal loophole.

The two were separated but they would keep fighting to be together again. Amber did it by plotting, manipulating one of the guards, who looked uncannily similar to Wednesday and was much too easy to flirt with. She was beautiful, intelligent and absolutely gorgeous in uniform.

Wednesday had begun planning on a large board resting in their room, the board turned aware from their roommate's side of the room and tucked into a corner of the room.

Wednesday always shuddered when looking at the color across the room, their skin itching and burning when just looking at it. They'd almost demanded a room change when they saw the room, which seemed to have been napalmed by it's some occupant. They sucked in a short inhale when they saw her, their new roommate. The colors didn't matter much anymore when looking at her, getting lost in her blue eyes and feeling the need to stroke her soft blonde hair. They stared as Weems introduced her and the wolf bounded up to them, only their instincts kept Enid from wrapping her arms around them. She frowned for a second but brushed it off and nodded.

"Not a hugger, got it!"

No, they didn't mind hugs, they actually really wanted one right now.


Amber missed her phone, being able to spontaneously message her family and annoy Wednesday with memes. She missed Wednesday. She fingered at the corners of the picture she had, it was one of their dates when they'd gone around a neighborhood and set it on fire. It was fun, locking doors and pouring gasoline along lawns and on buildings, into chimneys and they took a picture to commemorate the date in front of the fires. They both had a picture of it, and Amber had managed to smuggle it into the cell with her.

Sitting on the cot with her knees pulled up to her chest, she blinked away tears and rested her head on her knees, closing her eyes.

"Hey, Amber. Better put that away, before someone other than me catches you." Amber looked up, blinking past tears and looking at Tara, her personal guard and her newest project. Wednesday had been teaching her how to be better with her manipulation tactics.

Tara was beautiful, brown hair that she kept tied into a bun under her hat, a uniform that tilted over her eyes, partially obscuring her. But the smile that shined every time they talked was enough sight of her face Amber needed. Every time she saw her, she felt her heart stop, the furious thumping it began when seeing Wednesday was the exact opposite but the passion was there, the obsession was festering underneath her very skin. She needed Tara, just as she needed Wednesday.

"Just miss my partner, can't you let me grieve?" Amber was good at snark, she just didn't expect Tara to laugh and shake her head.

"Oh they're fine, last I heard they've started going to Nevermore after getting off with probation and therapy. Now, If you behave yourself, I might just see what I can do for you." She'd winked and Amber could feel her entire body Shudder. She jumped up, nearly falling over while tucking the picture into her prison jumper. She reached the bars with a slam, a wild grin on her face as she looked into Tara's eyes.

"You'll do that for me?" Amber reached out, her hand making it through the bars and fingers lightly brushing against Tara's cheek.

"Of course, if you let me go with you. I know about the murders hon, I've been investigating them for a while now. I want to see what you can do for me Freeman, just bide your time while I work on an escape for you." Tara took Amber's hand, her eyes moving up and down to examine her body. She pressed a kiss to her knuckles and squeezed her hand gently. Amber stopped breathing and stared, nodding slowly.

Tara's uniform was form fitting, showing off every muscle and curve, every hidden weapon and the baton sat on her belt.

"I'll take you with me." Amber agreed, feeling breathless as Tara nodded her head and left, allowing her to retreat to the back of her cell and try to calm down her furiously beating heart.

Amber swallowed, glancing back to the bars and where Tara had been. Holy shit she was hot.

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