Chapter 26- the wound she leaves is unmistakable

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Tara's breath shook, eyes wide and teary as Amber knelt over top of her. This was Her idea, so why was she so terrified?

The tall goth hummed, lowering herself to gently straddle Tara's waist. Wednesday was farther back, positioned by her legs. This would hurt like hell, but one of them needed to be broken.

Enid sighed, Tara's head in her lap with her fingers gently. The wolf was gentle when she wanted to be.

"Are you ready?" Amber asked, adjusting the knife in her hand. She glanced down at Tara's prone form, somewhat regretting that she wasn't in costume for this.

"No! I've never been stabbed before, Just shot."

Amber snorted, lifting her knife above Tara's abdomen with a sadist grin.

"Well, just think of it like getting shot." Tara was about to snark back a response, but as the knife was plugged into her and twisted, her body felt like it was being shredded apart as Amber kept forcing it into her. Gaping breaths escaped Tara, sobs that morphed into barely held-back screams as Enid covered her mouth, claws on display and carefully digging into her skin as a silent warning.

Wednesday and Enid watched over the vulnerable girl, both creatures transfixed by the display of Pain. Pleasure. Their bestial nature understood the brutality as Devotion, misunderstanding the screaming as something more akin to a call for one's mate, a request for love.

"Ambs, Amber, wait a second. Wai-" Tara gasped as the knife tore through the palm of her hand after she tried to raise it. The knife had wiggled into and through bones, muscles, and veins. Blood dripped down onto her face, and down her arm, her wounds burned, and her body felt weak, as if she'd been hit by a car again.

"Tara... I'm so so-" Amber let go of her knife, looking down at Tara's shocked face. She looked pale, her small body shaking. She liked stabbing, but she hated being stabbed.

While Amber tried to apologize, Tara felt pain in her leg, hearing it tear as Wednesday twisted it the wrong way, they fell into silence as Tara let out an agonized scream, as they were finally done with their planned attack.

Tara let her head fall back into Enid's caresses, leaving her partner silent for a few moments. Amber carefully got up, gently taking hold of Tara's hand to examine the wound.

"Let's get you to the hospital, yeah?"

"Y- Yeah..."


Tara woke up in a bright hospital room, mind hazy and movements sluggish. Shifting, she tried to sit up, only to since as she moved, gasping and breathing heavily. She heard movement to her right and smiled a little at the sight of her partners. Amber was sitting the closest to the bed, having been holding her hand as she slept. Wednesday and Enid were beside Amber, but they were further away from Tara, the both of them sitting with their hands held together, fingers intertwined and claws having dug into each other's skin.

"Hey, you're awake. Let me help you fix the bed." Amber kissed her uninjured hand and let it lay back down on the bed, helping Tara sit up and propping pillows up behind her, so she could be at an angle and not stress her injuries.

"Thanks, babe." Amber smiled at Tara, brushing some of her hair from her forehead before gently kissing her head. She glanced at her girlfriend's hearing aids, pleased to see the electronic devices were charged and in their proper place.

"Of course. I'm sorry, for not making sure you were ready. I just..."Amber bit her lip, sitting back down and holding Tara's hand again.

"When your girlfriend asks you to do something, you've got to do it all the way. It's just, how an Addams' works. We're not know, sane with our love languages." They spoke in whispers, Amber continuing to gently kiss Tara's hand as they spoke.

"I wish to apologize, for misunderstanding the situation," Wednesday spoke up suddenly, glancing at Tara and quickly looking away when they met eyes. Tara frowned, recognizing the behavior.

"Come here Wednesday, you too Enid. I know none of you meant to hurt me, but it was my idea and we didn't think about the consequences. I love you all, and I'm sorry I hurt you too." Tara did her best to wrap her partners in a hug, Enid and Amber having to lean down while Wednesday carefully climbed onto the bed, awkwardly sitting on the edge and leaning into the hug.

The group jumped at the sound of the door being knocked on, and they split up immediately, Amber still hovering by Tara's side as Wednesday and Enid both stood at the edge of the bed, the Werewolf's claws out on display as Wednesday hissed in the back of their throat. After no one answered the knocking, the door opened to reveal and young man and woman standing in the hallway.

"Sam, You came!" Tara sighed, smiling at the young woman who hurriedly walked into the hospital room.

Sam smiled at her sister, sitting down on the she of the bed. She took Tara's hand, accidentally holding the one that was injured. Tara winced and withdrew her hand from her sister's grip, replacing it with her uninjured hand, which still had lipstick marks across her skin. Amber smirked at the way Sam faltered.

"Y- Yeah, I came as soon as I heard, I knew there was some reunion and I thought I could see you. I didn't know you'd end up getting stabbed because I called you back here..."

"I- It's fine, You didn't mean to Sam. You just wanted to see me, and that's ok. How are you? I haven't seen you since Dad and I left Woodsboro."

"Uh, yeah. Hey, can we talk about this alone?"

Amber scowled, grabbing her jacket and shooing Wednesday and Enid out of the door, the three walking past Richie, Sam's boyfriend on their way out.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Have a good talk, Carpenter. Let me know if you need anything, ok Tara?" Tara smiled softly, nodding as Amber, Enid, and Wednesday left the room to begin the next part of their plan.

"I've missed you." Tara laughed gently at Sam's words, smiling at her and squeezing her hand.

"It's been a long time. Did you ever make it out of Woodsboro?" Sam's eyebrows furrowed at the question, their hands clasped together before she carefully pulled it away.

"Once, just for a few years. Mom left the house to me after she died, so I came back. I brought Richie with me, and we've been staying there for a while. What about you?"

"I worked as a deputy in training under Dad, over in Vermont. I met Amber, and Wednesday, and Enid. I was happy."

"Then, you got stabbed..."

"Then, I got stabbed..."

"Fairly soon, you will too Sis."

I've Got To Make You MINE - TamberWenclairTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang