chapter 21 - Come out, wheres your pretty face?

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Wednesday was familiar with traditional dances and balls held to honor family, reputation, or wealth. The waltz was as simple as skinning a carcass, but modern dances were beyond their comprehension. The school dance was held in a compact room that was filled with the stench and heat of thousands of mid-pubescent teenagers, making it a horrifying and revolutionary torture concept they struggled to emulate. Despite this, the news of the school dance had students abuzz with excitement.

"Rave'in? Really?" Amber frowned from her spot on Wednesday's bed, while the young heir sat nearby at their desk, thumbing through a stack of papers.

"They do it because Nevermore likes its bird imagery, ok Ambs?" Tara shot back with a small laugh, flipping through one of Enid's many fashion magazines while lying on the Wolf's bed. Enid was sitting at her desk, occupied with helping Thing paint his nails.

"They say it's because Poe was an alumnus and donated thousands before he died," the werewolf explained with her nose furrowed, an apparent trait of hers when she was focusing on something.

"Birds do taste delicious, or so I've heard from relatives," Wednesday hummed, leaning towards the bed and climbing behind Amber, invading her personal space and sitting with her.

"They're alright, I guess, overhyped," Amber mumbled as she leaned back against Wednesday, easily crushing them with her height and laughing at the way they simply laid, seeming to relax under her touch like an unbothered cat.

"You're so laidback, Wends. Did you have fun with Marilyn?" Amber laughed at her joke, jumping when Enid growled warningly at her.

"Aw, is Puppy jealous she didn't get to play with the human?" Amber laughed more when Enid spun around to face her, red-faced and flustered by the implication of her joke.

"If you wanted a bite of my meal, you simply had to ask. Mon loup affamé," Wednesday spoke up, pushing Amber off of the bed and smirking when her body thumped painfully against the floor.

"We can teach you and Tar-Bear how to have fun with a hostage! Isn't that a great idea Wendy?" Amber grabbed Wednesday's arm, shaking them from excitement and grinning at their short boyfriend.

"A horrendous concept, Freeman."


The old home was rotten from the inside out, tall and imposing like the very mansion of their master, but it felt like a horrible copy that lacked the true power of the Slenderman. Wednesday stared at the house as they lurked by the gate, some instinct telling them to stay away from the Gates family home. They stood silently and stared into the dark house, which seemed so empty even as the others walked along the path to the door. Something felt wrong, the hair on the back of their neck tingling in the worst sensation, ears pained by the whispering trees. But why?

They were about to step onto the property, mid-step off of the ground when they ducked into a roll and barely avoided the bullet that lodged itself into the gate, the sound leaving them disoriented. They looked toward the sound, blinking slowly at the sight of the sheriff, Both Tyler and Marilyn behind him. They looked exhausted, feigning fear to keep Donovan's aim trained on the horrific monster that had kidnapped them. It was a clever tactic, Wednesday would admit that. If they wanted to play chase, Wednesday was happy to oblige and began to run toward the Gates house, planning on catching the two at another time. None of them needed an armed police officer on their body count right now, but this was not defeat and Wednesday would ensure that the Galphins understood that.

Sighing, Wednesday retreated to their mates, able to hear the small group of three marching outside. They were attempting to escape the forest, but the forest wasn't letting them leave.

"They'll probably be lost for a couple of days, job done then!" Amber wrapped her arms around Tara and Enid, her head resting carefully against Enid's shoulder as Wednesday quietly sat down with them, leaning closer to Tara's side. The old house had been trashed by the group's escape and most of the furniture overturned.

"We have to kill the thing, not just trap it. Besides, it feels like we're here to keep something from happening. Maybe Marilyn had a crazy plan?" Enid questioned, Marilyn was insane but not to the degree of her partners.

"Rid Nevermore of its influence, and then we bring Enid when we return after the job. Right?" Amber smiled at Tara and Wednesday, Enid seeming surprised by accompanying the trip.

"I- ok, I think we can do that..." Enid smiled at her partners, caught off guard when she caught Wednesday's smile, an adoring look on their faces while they looked at her.

"So Pup, you wanna play fetch?" Amber grinned at Enid, Tara sighing as Wednesday tilted their head, a light smirk directed towards Enid as if silently asking for a challenge against their wolf. Something felt right about going out to chase the man that had shot at Wednesday, about the way Wednesday's playful nature was only revealed to her. They were going to play together. The idea sounded perfect, her instincts buzzing in her skull and fingers twitching, already shaking as the wolf's excitement overtook her and began to shift her form. Her girlfriends pulled away first, giving her room as limbs extended with cracks of bone and soft cries of pain.

Wednesday had stepped outside, silent as their own body shifted and grew, once again becoming one with the forest, skin melting away and replaced with gaping wounds and Tufts of unnatural fur. They truly had no form, instead looking like an amalgamation of animal and man, hidden in a cloak of feathers and by limbs of bone. When the two monsters met eyes, one exhausted from the transformation, the other invigorated, they rose their gazes to the moon and called out into the night before vanishing into the forest.

"Do you want to go with them?" Tara asked, glancing up at Amber. She was comfortable, secretly hoping her girlfriend wouldn't want to go hunting again. But she knew her Amber, and as expected, she got an excited nod in response.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Tara sighed as Amber pulled the both of them up, leaving her to catch up as she ran out of the house.

"Really Amber?" Tara chased after Amber with a groan, mumbling under her breath about her partners. Probably something about how they were inhuman killing machines.

I've Got To Make You MINE - TamberWenclairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora