Chapter 10 - Poe Cup Chaos

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Wednesday didn't like the water. Yes, they could swim fine, but being wet was a horrible sensation. The soaked, heavy and icky feeling made their body tingle and shudder in disgust.

The Poe cup was a race on water, land, and back. It was without rules and based around the most popular school alumni. Edgar Allen Poe.

Wednesday thought the competition was stupid, silly even, but Enid had expressed such passion for it. They couldn't help staring, watching and admiring her from across the yard as she cheered and rallied her dorm mates. It didn't make sense to have that much excitement over a competition that meant nothing in the end.

"I feel as if I'm missing something." They admitted, letting their small collapsing telescope fall to their side. They didn't mind when Tara took it, opening it back up to admire the beautiful blond wolf.

"Ask her out, I know you can do it." Amber suggested with a smile, gently elbowing Wednesday's side.

"I understand what you mean, she's just as beautiful as you." Tara agreed, passing the telescope to Amber, who whistled in appreciation.

"She can't wolf out, but she makes it work. Think she needs a push in the right direction?"

Tara hummed, watching Wednesday snatch the telescope from Amber and look at Enid, a small smile on their face. Their body relaxed, hands shaking slightly.

"I need her, how do I have her?" They turned back, looking at Amber and Tara with desperation.

"Be yourself, charm her." Amber wrapped an arm around Wednesday's shoulders and kissed their cheek, Tara laying her head on Wednesday's arm.

"Get her a gift, some nice roses." She suggested, smiling at her partners.

"I only know how to cultivate poisonous plants, not flowers."

"Then impress her at the cup!" Tara gasped, knocking their shoulders together.

Wednesday grimaced, looking at the lake with an obvious distain.

"Must I?"

"It's something that might not scare her off. Didn't you say she helped clean you up after beating those normies? She clearly likes you if she stayed to help!"

Tara frowned in thought, pulling the telescope closer so she could see Enid, who was currently still painting her boat.

"Go get her Corpsy, we'll hold the fort down." Amber patted them on the back and pulled her arms away, Tara passing the telescope back to them as she kissed their hand, the two waving Wednesday off to try their best at winning Enid's heart.

It was surprisingly easy to ask if the cats needed more members, to offer themselves to Enid and pledge the cup to her name. It garnered stares from the rest of Ophelia Hall, Enid looking at them with stars in her eyes. The wolf had grabbed Wednesday and squeezed them into a hug, holding until they heard something crack.

Wednesday wheezed, blinking as black spots entered their vision. Pain was something that didn't bother them, instead driving them to pick and scratch at themselves, to dig nails into their very skin, but the knowledge of how horrible Enid would feel knowing what she did, Wednesday wasn't sure how to feel. It made them queasy, sick with guilt, but they had to tell her to take them to the infirmary.

"E- Enid, take me to the nurse." They grabbed the back of her uniform, wincing at the color as it burned and started blistering their fingers. Enid didn't hear, causing them to get annoyed and hit the back of her shoulder from their spot in the air.

Yoko moved to help, easing Wednesday out of the hug and onto the ground.

"Tanaka, take me to the infirmary immediately. Enid, inform my Paramours what has happened." Wednesday rubbed their eyes, starting to walk to the nurse's office, Yoko nervously hovering nearby and walking beside them, ready to catch them if they fell.

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