ꕥ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 ꕥ

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From the moment you were born, your parents' initial adoration turned into fear and disgust when they saw your unique eyes. In their eyes, a child born with different eyes must surely be cursed, a child of the devil. Growing up, you became a burden to them, ruining their lives in their eyes.

The townspeople mirrored your parents' sentiments, and their whispers followed you wherever you went. Their cruel words echoed in your ears, branding you as a cursed being, a freak, a loser, and a disappointment. The weight of their judgments weighed heavily on your young shoulders.

Eventually, your parents' resentment reached its breaking point, and they heartlessly cast you out of their lives. Left to fend for yourself, you wandered aimlessly through the forest, devoid of food, water, and shelter. The pain of rejection, coupled with the physical hardships, pushed you to the brink of exhaustion.

One fateful day, as your strength waned, you collapsed onto the forest floor. Your tears fell uncontrollably as you whispered a desperate plea for help into the unforgiving silence of the woods. Overwhelmed by your despair, you succumbed to darkness.

When you regained consciousness, your surroundings were hazy, but whispers reached your ears, pulling you back to awareness. Confusion gripped you as you sat up, panic coursing through your veins. The sight before you left you astounded—a beautiful man and woman stood beside two twin boys, their gazes fixed upon you.

In your disoriented state, you couldn't help but cover your eyes, a frown etching itself on your face. But the woman's gentle voice implored you not to hide, assuring you that your eyes were beautiful. Disbelief clouded your thoughts as you insisted they were anything but. The man, his expression filled with concern, asked why you believed such a thing, and you hesitantly mentioned your parents.

Their shock at your revelation was palpable, and they exchanged glances, their hearts heavy with empathy. It was the woman who proposed a life-changing offer. She suggested that you live with them and their two sons, Muichiro and Yuichiro. The warmth in her eyes and the sincerity in her voice broke down the walls around your wounded heart, and a smile crept across your face as you embraced her in a tight hug.

From that moment on, your life took a dramatic turn. Muichiro and Yuichiro, the twin boys, became your unwavering companions and friends, and their sister, whose name you came to learn in time, added another layer of joy to your newfound family. The tokitoo household became your sanctuary, nestled amidst nature's beauty.

Under the care and guidance of Mr. and Mrs. tokito, you flourished. They taught you the true meaning of compassion, acceptance, and the strength that lies within each person. The scars of your past began to heal as you realized that the judgments of others did not define your worth.

Together, you explored the forest, laughed, and played, forging bonds that could never be broken. The whispers of the townspeople faded into insignificance as the love and acceptance within your chosen family drowned out the harsh voices that once haunted you.

Inspired by the kindness bestowed upon you, you discovered a newfound purpose—to make a difference in the lives of others who had faced rejection and mistreatment. With the tokitoo family by your side you established an organization dedicated to lifting up those who felt marginalized, reminding them that they were deserving of love and acceptance.

In the eyes of Mr. and Mrs. tokitoo you were not the cursed child but a radiant soul who brought light and hope to the world. Muichiro and Yuichiro stood beside you, proud of the person you had become and grateful for the unbreakable bond you shared.

Your journey from darkness to light, from rejection to acceptance, transformed you into an advocate for compassion and a symbol of resilience. In the embrace of your chosen family, you found the love that healed your wounds and helped you reclaim your identity.

As you walked hand in hand with the tokitoo family, your hearts intertwined, a testament to the power of unconditional love. Together, you embarked on a future filled with happiness, purpose, and the unwavering belief that every soul deserves a chance to be embraced, regardless of their differences.

 Together, you embarked on a future filled with happiness, purpose, and the unwavering belief that every soul deserves a chance to be embraced, regardless of their differences

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The loss of Mr. and Mrs. Tokito brought unimaginable pain and sorrow to the once joyous household. Yuichiro and Muichiro, only ten years old at the time, were thrust into a world of tragedy when their father perished while trying to gather herds for their ailing mother. The grief deepened when Mrs. Tokito passed away shortly after.

(So I don't really know how to word this but your young but when you join the corps the age you'll be 18)

In the aftermath of their parents' deaths, the Tokito family faced a profound change. Yuichiro, consumed by anger and pain, became distant and cold, his heart hardened by the loss he had endured. On the other hand, Muichiro, ever emotional and kind-hearted, held onto his empathy despite the weight of sorrow that surrounded him.

As for you, the devastating loss shattered your spirit, leaving you in a state of overwhelming grief. Yet, despite your own brokenness, you took it upon yourself to care for the two young twins, nurturing them as best you could amidst your own pain. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon your shoulders, and every day felt like an uphill battle.

Within the walls of the Tokito home, the echoes of Yuichiro's angry outbursts became a painful reminder of the tragedy that had befallen them. It tore at your heart to witness the conflict between the brothers, and one day, you couldn't bear it any longer. Gathering all your courage, you confronted Yuichiro, urging him to be kinder to his brother. His harsh words in response, denying your place in their lives, cut deep, further accentuating your feelings of sorrow and helplessness.

Left to fend for yourselves in a world that seemed cruel and unforgiving, you found solace in each other's company. The bond between you and Muichiro grew stronger through shared sorrow and the understanding that you were all each other had left. Together, you faced the challenges of survival, leaning on one another for support and comfort.

But fate had yet another tragedy in store for your already wounded family. On a fateful night, a demon invaded your home, shattering the fragile remnants of your lives. Without hesitation, you lunged forward, desperate to protect Muichiro and Yuichiro, but it was too late. The demon's attack severed Yuichiro's arm, leaving him in agonizing pain. Your heart shattered as you held him, powerless to save him from his fate.

In the midst of the chaos, Muichiro, consumed by a blinding rage, unleashed his fury upon the demon, avenging the loss of his brother. The demon fell, defeated by his wrath and the crude weapons at their disposal. As Yuichiro took his final breaths in your arms, the weight of guilt and sorrow overwhelmed you. You wept, apologizing for your perceived failure to save him, wishing that you could have taken his place and spared him from such a tragic end.

In the days that followed, you and Muichiro laid Yuichiro to rest beside your parents, tears streaming down your faces as you bid him a painful farewell. The shared grief brought you closer, as you clung to one another for support in the face of unbearable loss. Through your tears, you whispered apologies to Muichiro, burdened by the weight of survivor's guilt.

Together, you stood on the precipice of an uncertain future, scarred and broken but united by the love you had for each other and the memories of those you had lost. The journey ahead seemed daunting, but with each other's strength and resilience, you would face it head-on, honoring the memories of your fallen loved ones and seeking solace in the enduring bond between siblings.

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