ꕥ𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆ꕥ

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The sight of Mitsuri and Obanai in love shattered your heart into a million fragments. It was evident in their eyes, the way they exchanged smiles and shared tender moments. Mitsuri's beauty, with her vibrant pink and green hair, eyes adorned with delicate dots, and a complexion that seemed otherworldly, only magnified your pain. Her curves seemed perfectly sculpted, and her kindness radiated from within. It felt like a cruel twist of fate, seeing them together, and it tore you apart.

In the solitude of your yard, you watched as they lovingly crafted flower crowns together. The scene was unbearable, and it felt as if your heart was wrenched from your chest, torn apart, stomped on, and cast aside. The tears welled up within you, threatening to spill over. Unable to bear the sight any longer, you rushed back into your estate, locking the door behind you, collapsing onto the floor as the tears flowed freely.

As the days wore on, you found yourself avoiding Obanai and Mitsuri, unable to face the painful reminder of their love. Whenever they approached you, you would flee, desperately seeking to shield yourself from the anguish that gnawed at your soul. Their attempts to reach out were met with your swift retreat, the tears always lurking just beneath the surface.

Unable to contain your sorrow any longer, you sought solace in the presence of your brothers. You cried, pouring out your heart to Muichiro, sharing the unbearable pain that consumed you. The feeling of having your heart torn from your chest, shattered, and discarded weighed heavily upon you. Muichiro listened, his empathy radiating as he asked if you loved Obanai that much. With a broken voice, you affirmed your deep affection, holding onto your brother tightly for comfort and support.

In that moment, you found solace in the understanding and love shared between you and Muichiro. While the ache in your heart remained, you knew you had a steadfast companion who would stand by your side. Together, you sought the strength to navigate the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume you, holding onto the hope that someday, the pain would lessen, and your heart would find solace once more.


As you wept in the confines of your room, consumed by sorrow, a sudden fit of coughing overtook you. To your horror, as you looked down, you witnessed blood and delicate flower petals staining your hands. The shock coursed through your veins, and you instinctively covered your mouth, eyes widening in disbelief. The crimson hue persisted, and your hand trembled as you removed it from your mouth, now coated in a vivid reminder of your affliction. "What is happening to me?" you whispered, fear gripping your heart. Desperately, you searched through your books, seeking answers, but to no avail.

Days turned into weeks, and still, the episodes of coughing, blood, and petals persisted. The frequency increased, leaving you in a state of anguish and isolation. Yet, you remained silent, burying the torment deep within your soul. The weight of your suffering became a burden you carried alone, concealed from the prying eyes of others.

One day, a summons arrived, calling all the Hashira to a meeting. As Mitsuri and Obanai attempted to approach you, you quickened your pace, aching to shield them from the reality of your affliction. Seeking refuge, you found solace in the presence of your brother, clinging to him like a fragile child yearning for comfort. Amidst the gathering of Hashira, conversations filled the air, awaiting the arrival of the master. With trepidation, you sat beside your brother, a gnawing sensation building within you. A cough threatened to escape, but you clenched your mouth shut, refusing to let it be heard.

The meeting carried on, and as the master's daughter began reading a note from Giyuu's master, the heaviness within you intensified. Blood began to seep through your hands, signaling the imminent turmoil. Panic surged through your veins, and without a moment's hesitation, you fled the meeting, leaving everyone stunned in your wake. Your legs gave way, crumbling beneath you as you collapsed to the floor. Desperate coughs wracked your body, and with each expulsion, petals of a flower emerged, intermingled with the crimson tide of blood. "Y/n, what is happening? What's going on?" your brother's voice rang out, filled with concern. Yet, before you could respond, darkness enveloped you, claiming your consciousness.

When you awoke, your eyes fluttered open, met by the gasps of those gathered around you. Instinctively, you reached for your mask, only to realize it was absent from your face. Panic gripped your heart as you tried to comprehend the situation. "Where's my mask? Why is it off?" you exclaimed. Shinobu, with a gentle voice, informed you that it had broken during your blackout. Mitsuri's words followed, assuring you of the beauty held within your eyes.

Before the watchful eyes of the other Hashira, Shinobu revealed the truth. You were afflicted with Hanahaki Disease, a condition that arises from unrequited or one-sided love. Petals and flowers of a plant bloom within your lungs, causing bouts of vomiting or coughing, eventually leading to difficulty in breathing. Shinobu explained that a surgery could remove the flowers, but it would also sever the bond of your love, rendering it forgotten. "No," you declared with fervor, "I'd rather die than lose my love for him." Mitsuri's voice trembled with urgency as she implored you to reconsider, emphasizing the stakes of your decision. "Y/n, you have to! If you don't, you will die!" she pleaded. Determined, you held steadfast, unwilling to betray your heart. Mitsuri pressed further, inquiring about the object of your affection. However, aware that they loved another, you refused to reveal their identity, resolved to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of preserving their relationship.

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