ꕥ𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓ꕥ

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The following day, you woke up and went about your usual routine, dressing in your Slayer uniform and donning your mask. The familiar scent of the morning air greeted you as your crow delivered the details of your next mission. With a smile, you set out for the designated location.

Arriving at the scene, night had already fallen, enveloping the surroundings in an eerie darkness. Sensing multiple demonic presences, you instinctively drew your sword, ready to face the imminent threat. However, before you could fully prepare yourself, Obanai emerged from the shadows, his monotone voice breaking through the silence. A sense of relief washed over you as you recognized him. You smiled, your cheeks turning pink, but quickly snapped back into focus as the demons lunged towards you.

With practiced skill, you unleashed the power of your Breath Style, invoking the First Form of the Breath of the Bleeding Heart: Graceful Barrage of the Blooming Sanctuary. The elegance and precision of your sword slashes filled the air, showcasing the beauty of your attack. Obanai watched in awe, his eyes widening at the grace and power you possessed. The demon's head fell, and a sense of victory washed over you as the stench of ash filled the air, signifying the disintegration of the defeated enemy.

As you and Obanai made your way back, a sense of camaraderie settled between you. You smiled at him, appreciating his presence and the teamwork you had displayed. In a moment of lightness, your attention turned to his snake companion, its snowy appearance captivating your gaze. Intrigued, you couldn't help but comment on its beauty, prompting Obanai's curt response. But then, unexpectedly, he thanked you, acknowledging your kind words.

A laugh escaped your lips, a genuine sound of joy and amusement. Obanai's compliment about your laughter caught you off guard, causing your cheeks to flush with a deep shade of red. Feeling a mix of shyness and excitement, you turned away, trying to compose yourself. Concerned, Obanai asked if you were okay, and you assured him that you were simply tired, attempting to brush off your momentary flustered state.

As the night carried on, you walked side by side, the bond between you and Obanai growing stronger with each step. There was a comfort in his presence, a sense of understanding that allowed you to be yourself, even in moments of vulnerability. Together, you made your way back, ready to face whatever challenges the future held, knowing that you had a trusted ally by your side.


As the months went by, your infatuation with Obanai grew, and you found yourself harboring feelings for him. However, you couldn't ignore the fact that he had feelings for Mitsuri, the Love Pillar. It pained you to see his affections directed towards someone else, but you resolved not to give up on your feelings.

One day, you found yourself sitting on the roof of your estate, humming a song from your childhood. The melody resonated within you, and you began to sing the lyrics of a sad yet soothing tale about a cursed baby girl. Lost in the emotions of the song, you were unaware of the presence of the other Hashira. They had followed the captivating sound of your voice, drawn to its beauty. When you finally noticed their presence, you felt a sense of embarrassment. Mitsuri complimented your voice, expressing admiration for its beauty, and you thanked her, feeling a mixture of delight and shyness. Obanai, curious about the song's meaning, inquired about its content. You smiled and explained that it was about a curse placed upon a baby girl.

Grateful for the kind words and compliments from your fellow Hashira, you retreated back into your home, deciding to take a nap since you were off duty. As you woke up in the late hours of the night, a sense of restlessness washed over you. Desiring a change of scenery, you decided to take a walk in the nearby town. Putting on your mask and securing your sword in its holder, you stepped outside.

To your surprise, Mitsuri and Shinobu were engaged in a hushed conversation. Greeting them, you proposed the idea of going to the town and taking a leisurely walk together. They readily agreed, and the three of you set off towards the town, engaged in conversation.

As you wandered through the streets, lost in conversation, an accidental collision occurred with a man and a woman. As they turned around, you immediately recognized them as your parents. A pallor washed over your face, and you instinctively began to back away, fear seizing your heart. Removing your mask, you whispered in disbelief, acknowledging their presence. Mitsuri and Shinobu, sensing your distress, shared in your unease.

Taking a step forward, your parents exclaimed in shock, stating that you were supposed to be dead. In a mixture of anger and pain, you revealed the truth of your survival and newfound prosperity, highlighting the kindness and love you had found in the family that had taken you in. The wounds inflicted upon you resurfaced, as they denounced you once again, branding you as a curse, the devil's child. Before you could respond, Shinobu and Mitsuri intervened, swiftly taking you away from the presence of your parents.

Returning to the safety of your estate, a maelstrom of emotions churned within you. The encounter had reopened old wounds and highlighted the painful rejection you had faced. Mitsuri and Shinobu stood by your side, offering support and understanding, reminding you that you were not alone. In their presence, you found solace, a reminder of the bonds that had been forged within the family of the Hashira.

(The song)

In the realm of a chilling winter's night,
A tale of a baby girl, her eyes aglow,
Blue and purple, hues of mystic sight,
A child marked as the devil's own.

Beneath the pale moon's shimmering light,
Her parents shrouded in fear and fright,
Casting judgment, their hearts filled with dread,
They abandoned her, left her to be dead.

Into the frigid embrace of snow so cold,
The cursed baby girl, no warmth to hold,
A forsaken soul, abandoned and alone,
Her tears, like crystalline icicles, were sown.

Her cries echoed through the frosty air,
Her wails a symphony of despair,
Yet the world turned deaf to her plea,
As she lay in the cold, no solace to see.

But in the midst of her darkest night,
A glimmer of hope, a flickering light,
A family of kind hearts, they drew near,
To save her from the depths of her fear.

With love and warmth, they embraced her tight,
Shielded her from the demons of the night,
The curse that tainted her, they could not see,
For in their eyes, she was meant to be.

As she grew, her powers bloomed,
Her eyes, a window to a world untamed,
Blue like the depths of the endless sea,
Purple like the magic of the moonlit spree.

But whispers of the devil's child remained,
Echoing in the shadows, causing her pain,
A town steeped in ignorance and dread,
She walked through life, with a heavy thread.

Despite the curses hurled in her wake,
Her spirit resilient, she refused to break,
In her heart, a flame of strength and might,
She embraced her true self, her inner light.

Through trials and tribulations, she would rise,
A warrior, fierce, with determination in her eyes,
She would prove them wrong, their judgment misplaced,
For she carried within her a love untamed.

And as she sang of the cursed baby girl,
Her voice a melody, a beacon in the whirl,
She weaved a tale of resilience and grace,
A testament to the strength within her embrace.

Through the frost and snow, she emerged strong,
A survivor, knowing where she belonged,
No longer haunted by the ghosts of the past,
She embraced her destiny, forever steadfast.

For her eyes, though cursed in society's sight,
Held a beauty that transcended the darkest night,
A reminder of the strength she possessed,
A symbol of hope, a love that would never rest.

So let the world judge with their blind eyes,
For she knew the truth, as clear as the skies,
A cursed baby girl, born to defy,
Her spirit would soar, her heart would fly.

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